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发信人: puffdragon (puffdragon), 信区: Immigration
标  题: 我的绿卡时间表
关键字: 绿卡
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 30 19:37:22 2019, 美东)




2015.9.22: Priority Date
2016.6.27:I-140 approved.
2019.3.8: I-485 received by USCIS
2019.4.12: biometrics completed.
2019.6.14:RFE response received
2019.7.5: Interview scheduled
2019.8.9: 网上催combo卡.
2019.8.14: combo approval
2019.8.19: I-485 interview
2019.8.24: 收到绿卡。


2015.9.22: Priority Date

2015.3.4: 学校律师告知ETA 9089 Application for Permanent Employment
Certification (aka "labor certification)批准。

2016.5.30:I-140 receive by USCIS, Lincoln NE.

2016.6.27:I-140 approved.

2019.3.8: I-485 received by USCIS.

2019.4.6: received biometrics notice (sent out by USCIS on 2019.3.28).

2019.4.12: biometrics completed.

2017.6.14: RFE: Submit evidence to establish that you maintained your
nonimmigrant status in the United States since your last lawful admission
into the U.S. until the date you filed your Form 1-485. 学校律师说我的材料都

2019.6.18:RFE response received

2019.6.28:Ready to schedule interview.

2019.7.5: Interview scheduled

2019.7.14: Received the interview notice.

2019.8.9: 在下面的网站查询Combo的Processing Times.

申请超过5个月(8.9-3.8),于是在下面的网上催USCIS (Outside Normal Processing

2019.8.14: combo approval

2019.8.16: 收到EAD卡。

我学校人力资源出的Empolyment verification letter和我打印的近两次工资条,然后
逐条问我I-485的内容,然后又逐条问了领导I-485的内容。领导有public  assistance
(WIC, Women, Infant, Children,我读书期间生的小孩,当时领了婴儿食品券和奶
票)和党员一项。党员一项,I-485上(Part 14)是这样解释的:

I was recommended for the membership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at
the Capital Normal University. The CCP membership was viewed as a
recognition of excellent performance helpful in seeking employment after
graduation. I accepted and joined in 7/2007. Since I came to the US in 8/
2008, I have neither paid any CCP dues nor participated in any CCP activity.
Any member who fails to pay membership dues or fails to participate for 6
consecutive months relinquishes membership.


2019.8.20: 网上显示绿卡批准。




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