Pre Setup Once you've gained access to your terminal it might be wise to spend ~1 minute to setup your environment. You could set these: alias k = kubectl # will already be pre-configured export do = "--dry-run=client -o yaml" # k get pod x $do export now = "--force --grace-period 0" # k delete pod x $now Vim To make vim use 2 spaces for a tab edit ~/.vimrc to contain: set tabstop=2 set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 More setup suggestions are in the tips section . Question 1 | Contexts Task weight: 1% You have access to multiple clusters from your main terminal through kubectl contexts. Write all those context names into /opt/course/1/contexts . Next write a command to display the current context into /opt/course/1/ , the command should use kubectl . Finally write a second command doing the same thing into ...
今天touchpoint signal 已经截止,所有manager都被要求输入signal了。50人以下的组不要求硬加need support, 以前输入need support上面也没要求一定要有动作,我联系HRBP,回复是你认为还有救就不要找我。如果HRBP联系你了就是你老板觉得你没救了。这次touchpoint,感觉跟以往不同,感觉是会有立马直接后果的. Χ