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Fwd: An Open Letter to the MSU Community

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From: Lou Anna K Simon <>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:07 AM
Subject: An Open Letter to the MSU Community



The events of the last couple of weeks involving several racial incidents on our campus led me to send a letter on October 4 to MSU students. Like others, I was outraged by the complete lack of regard for how these incidents would impact our students, faculty and staff, and those within the greater community. Racial epithets and derogatory terms used to demean others shock the senses. They divert our attention from the academic work that brings us together. They have no place at MSU. Our goal is to foster a dynamic learning community for all; therefore, we must establish an environment of respect for all.


In my October 4 letter, I alerted students to what happened, outlined our responses, including law enforcement investigations by MSU Police in consultation with the FBI, and communicated that we take such matters seriously. I also asked for the community's help in finding out what happened and identifying those responsible. I wrote directly to the student body, not only because these incidents engender anger, hurt, fear, and feelings of intimidation by those directly impacted as individuals, but also because these incidents tear at the fundamental fabric of an inclusive learning community. 


In the intervening time, I've been heartened by the dialogue that has begun. Many within our community have discussed how each of us has a responsibility that extends beyond respect and tolerance to being an active part of shaping the community we want MSU to be. I must also say that I was disheartened by reports of incidents that continue to emerge. Even though such incidents do happen elsewhere, they do not have to happen here and require reflection on who we are as a community. We want MSU to be exceptional and represent for all what it means to be a Spartan.


I applaud the student leaders who have already organized a number of important dialogues, and I look forward to working with them and others within and outside the campus as we deal with the incidents and their impact. I have asked administrators, faculty, and staff from Student Affairs and Services, Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives, Residential and Hospitality Services, International Studies and Programs, and the Office of the Provost to continue to dialogue with the community to assure that we are dealing effectively with the needs of our students. But dialogue is not enough; we must find ways to improve what we do. These conversations must result in tangible, positive changes in our shared learning community.


In closing, we may all come from different places, but we are all part of one community. I intend to provide updates and further details on our progress to address these incidents, and I encourage you to follow our efforts on the following websites: 


·         Office of the President

·         Office of the Provost

·         Student Affairs and Services

·         Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives

·         Residential and Hospitality Services

·         International Studies and Programs

Lou Anna K. Simon, President


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