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Postdoc in Israel for Chinese or Indian Citizens

Postdoc in Israel for Chinese or Indian Citizens

Tel Aviv U. - Postdoc

Field of Interest: nucl-ex
Deadline: 2012-04-18
Region: Middle East
Job description:
The Israeli council of higher education has a new postdoc fellowship program for outstanding Indian and Chinese nationals. Complete applications are due 18 April 2012 In relation to this fellowship we are seeking postdoc candidates with Chinese or Indian nationality to work with the experimental nuclear physics group at Tel Aviv or Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The candidate is expected to take central role in the group activity that include:
1. analysis of an experiment to measure the proton form factor ratio at very low momentum transfer at JLab (E08-007).
2. analysis of Hall B data (data mining project).
3. analysis of SRC experiment at JLab (E07-006).
4. design and prototyping of a neutron polarimeter for the A1 experimental hall at the MAMI accelerator at Mainz.
5. construction of A Large Acceptance Detector (LAD) for the 12 GeV JLab. (E12-11-107)
6. Measure muon-proton scattering proposed at the PSI facility. The candidate will also have the opportunity to develop his/her own research program in the field of Electro Nuclear physics.
A PhD in experimental nuclear physics is required. The candidate must have a strong background in particle detector technology, detector simulation and data analysis. The candidate will be resident in Isreal with trips to accelerator laboratories in USA and Germany.
Interested candidates should send
(1) a letter of application,
(2) a curriculum vitae,
(3) a list of selected publications,
(4) a brief statement of research interests and
(5) a list of three references.
Candidates should also arrange for letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the address below.

Email for Reference Letters:

Contact: Eliezer Piasetzky
Letters of Reference should be sent to:


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