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我的android app list我的android app list
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 19 01:58:33 2010, 美东)

1. home screen customization
launcher pro (home launcher)
beatiful widgets (home widgets)
android agenda widget (calendar widget)
home switcher (switch home launcher)
不想折腾home screen的就不用装了

2. system tools
titanium backup (backup apps and data)
advanced task killer (task manager)
quicksetting (change settings)
android terminal emulator (terminal)
rom manager (flash some custom roms, backup rom)

3. file manager
astro file manager
astro smb module
astro bluetooh module

4. internet
opera mini (browser)
xscope trial (browser)
google listen (podcast)
gReader (offline google reader)
MoreGood News (news reading)
USA Today (news reading)
MITBBS阅读器 (mitbbs)
Roiding BBS terminal (bbs, 似乎有物理键盘的话更好用些)
xda-developers (xda reader)
connectbot (ssh)
wyse pocketcloud (rdp, vnc)
quickoffice (doc, ppt, xls and pdf)
colornote (note taken, 其实galaxy s自带的memo也不错)
handycalc (advanced calc, unit/currency converter)
realcal scientific calculator (classic scientific calc)
youdao dictionary (有道字典)
gtasks (google tasks)
evernote (note taken)

rockplayer universal (video player)
mvideoplayer (video player, with mkv internal subtitle support)
天天动听 (music player, have to sideload)
开卷有益 (book reader, have to sideload)
fbreader or 掌上书苑 (epub reader)
any radio (chinese radio stream) (chinese music stream), pandora....

7. social/instant msg
msn talk

9. GPS
my tracks (save gps track)
gps status and toolbox (for quicker gps lock on galaxy s)

10. misc
google goggle
qq 输入法 (拼音或者手写)
zedge ringtones and wallpapers (ringtone and wallpaper)


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