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发信人: mitbbs (未名空间), 信区: SanFrancisco
标  题: #投票# 旧金山中餐馆10强票选开始啦!
关键字: 旧金山,中餐馆
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Feb 15 20:41:05 2015, 美东)


1. 旧金山地区入围中餐馆公布和票选时间:2015年2月15日21时至2015年2月21日21时







餐馆名称                       提名用户
汤司令                         tomato0918
三好拉面                       tomato0918  taotaoblue  audreylynn
清真一条龙                     DjangoOasis  taotaoblue  sevenleaf
山东小馆                       DjangoOasis                
韶山冲                         ziwan    lulumm   lIlIlIlIlI1
二师兄烤鱼                     ziwan
岭南小馆                       circle01  solarfan  haoyun  xiao170216
巴山蜀水                       circle01  feelingfool  Blessing518          
王朝魚翅海鮮酒家               circle01  taotaoblue                     
小肥羊火锅                     lulumm   sevenleaf   sevenleaf  lixx0188
五月花酒家                     taotaoblue  sevenleaf  xiao170216
彩蝶轩                         solarfan
味道成都                       gnaijiz  TT2007
老四川                         washal
Thai Noodle                    washal
香港东海海鲜酒家               yoyo001  JRSG                               
大上海                         mmqing  haoyun
上海家常菜                     mmqing  grandcanyon
沸腾鱼乡                       juliach
鲤鱼门                         roaming  haoyun                   
西贡渔港                       CHY122
香港美食                       CHY122
顺峰渔村                       CHY122
顺峰渔港                       stepture
香港西贡海鲜渔港               stepture                 
利苑酒家                       stepture
一品香                         stepture
御食园                         laomamj
渔米之乡                       amyliu1211
大三元酒家                     amyliu1211
星月宫                         amyliu1211
铜锣湾                         amyliu1211
湖南又一村                     turnip
水饺大王                       duola hanba
吃香喝辣                       ELCerrito
翠湖海鮮中菜                   shao2010
The Kitchen                    limosquito
世纪时尚                       xiaofangcao
川流不息                       haoyun
老家陕西                       cyclind3
稻香酒家(穗香园)               cyclind3
岭南                           HappyF1
金筷子                         HappyF1
湖南小馆                       HappyF1
香港仔                         feelingfool
好年冬                         duola
Cooking Papa                   ivylee16  JackieQi
食神                           kx168
小二又一家                     wanqu70  Blessing518
大四川                         Blessing518
五粮液                         Blessing518
火宫殿                         Blessing518
清真老北京                     Blessing518
清真东来顺                     xiao170216
小刘清粥                       xiao170216
土匪湘菜                       rockyluo
福恩缘                         rockyluo
金玉满堂                       rockyluo
上海人家                       grandcanyon
上海生煎包                     grandcanyon
竹林轩                         WuHuaGuo
I Dumpling                     WuHuaGuo
水饺之乡                       WuHuaGuo
西北拉面                       SleepingBee


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