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标 题: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
本站首页|本版首页| [分页:1 ] 发信人: thdp (dp), 信区: TAX
标  题: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug  5 15:04:39 2014, 美东)

最近公司hr告诉我f1 opt是ss medicare exampt的。但我从irs网站上查的结果是f1满5
年后就变成resident alien,需要交ss medicare tax了。唯一一个例外是在学校工作
的可以免交。我把irs的链接发给hr,人家还不放心,要我找个tax advisor确认。


foreign students in F-1, J-1, M-1, Q-1 or Q-2 nonimmigrant status who have
been in the United States less than 5 calendar years are still NONRESIDENT
ALIENS and are still exempt from social security/Medicare taxes. This
exemption also applies to any period in which the foreign student is in "
practical training" allowed by USCIS, as long as the foreign student is
still a NONRESIDENT ALIEN under the Internal Revenue Code.

Foreign students in F-1, J-1, M-1, Q-1 or Q-2 nonimmigrant status who have
been in the United States more than 5 calendar years are RESIDENT ALIENS and
are liable for social security/Medicare taxes (unless they are exempt from
FICA under the "student FICA exemption" discussed below).

Student FICA exemption: FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes do not
apply to service performed by students employed by a school, college or
university where the student is pursuing a course of study.

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发信人: PLY251 (lol), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug  5 16:55:10 2014, 美东)

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发信人: fakeshawn (spoon!), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug  5 18:24:18 2014, 美东)

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发信人: Monfucius (莽夫子), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug  6 12:03:16 2014, 美东)

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发信人: thdp (dp), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug  6 16:47:37 2014, 美东)


今天收到irs的email回复了,与我之前想的一样,F1五年后就需要交SS medicare tax

Date: Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:05 PM
Subject: IRS Email Tax Law Assistance

NOTE: Thank you for your inquiry.  Our response to your tax law question
appears below. I hope this information has been helpful.  If you have a
follow-up question or another general tax law question, please return to our
web site at:

Please do not use your "reply" button to respond to this message.  More
helpful information is provided at the end of this message.

For privacy and security purposes, your incoming e-mail text has been
deleted in this response because it either asked a tax account question,
which we do not answer (we answer tax law issues only), or it contained
personal identification information.

The Answer To Your Question Is:
Thank you for your recent electronic submission.  Regarding the social
security and Medicare tax (FICA) exemption that applies to foreign students
is found in The Internal Revenue Code.  Generally the exemption exists
providing certain conditions are met.  One of those conditions requires that
the student, who is participating in Optional Practical Training be a
nonresident alien under the residency rules.  When you are in the U.S. as a
student on a F-1 visa, you are exempt from counting days of presence for 5
tax years.  As an example, if you arrived during the 2009 tax period, you
would be exempt from counting days of presence and would thus never become a
resident alien for the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Generally a
student passes the Substantial Presence test (SPT) in his or her sixth year,
and becomes a resident alien for U.S. tax purposes.  Thus you would no
longer be able to meet the above required condition and you would lose your
FICA exemption.  There are however certain exceptions in the code that would
allow you to retain your nonresident status and remain exempt from FICA. 
The following information can be found on our website under Closer
Connection Exception for Foreign Students.
The exception is available only to alien students (not teachers/researchers,
etc.), and contains four requirements for its application. The student -
1.      does not intend to reside permanently in the United States;
2.      has substantially complied with the immigration laws and
requirements relating to his student nonimmigrant status;
3.      has not taken any steps to change his nonimmigrant status in the
United States toward becoming a permanent resident of the United States; and
4.      has a closer connection to a foreign country than to the United
States as evidenced by the factors listed in Treasury Regulation 301.7701(b)
The burden of proof is on the student to prove these four factors. To claim
the exception for students on an income tax return, a student should attach
Form 8843, Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical
Condition (PDF) to the student’s Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ.
Additionally, there may be another FICA exemption depending on the exact
nature of your employment.  You should contact your employer for a more
complete explanation of why they are telling you that you do not need to pay

IRS forms and publications may be accessed on our web site at the following
address: or ordered through our toll-free forms line at: 800-829
Expect delivery within 10 business days.

Other useful toll-free numbers include:
800-829-1954 Refund Hotline
866-562-5227 Disaster Relief Toll-Free Number, Monday through Friday, 7 am
to 7:00 pm local time

Our basic Electronic Tax Law Assistance service is designed to assist the
general public in complying with their Federal tax obligations by helping
them with questions they have about the tax law and procedural issues. Our
goal is to provide complete and accurate responses to as many taxpayers as

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发信人: fakeshawn (spoon!), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug  6 21:11:57 2014, 美东)



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发信人: thdp (dp), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug  7 14:42:34 2014, 美东)


【 在 fakeshawn (spoon!) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我给你一个比喻。
: 你去商店买东西。商店不收你销售税。你印出文章说在这个州你买这种东西是需要交销
: 售税的。商店不听。坚持不收你销售税。你可以怎么办?你去政府说,商店没有收我的
: 销售税,我想现在亲自给你这些销售税。政府就会告诉你,没有程序给你个人买东西交
: 销售税给政府;只能卖东西的商店交给政府。加上,交销售税的责任在商店里;如果政
: 府发现商店交税给政府的时候没有交你的交易的销售税,政府是找商店要钱,不是顾
: 你这个情况同样。根本没有程序给你自己交fica给政府。交fica给政府的责任在公司;
: 如果政府发现公司没有交你的fica,政府是向公司要钱,不是你。

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发信人: fakeshawn (spoon!), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug  7 16:53:23 2014, 美东)


【 在 thdp (dp) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你还真是喜欢较真。我没有自己交fica,我是让公司从工资里直接扣掉。政府向公司要
: 补交fica,公司会自己掏腰包么?还不是再从工资里扣
: 客。

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发信人: Monfucius (莽夫子), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug  7 18:44:24 2014, 美东)


【 在 fakeshawn (spoon!) 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果到时候你还是跟他们工作,他们可以从工资里扣。这不就和一开始扣一样吗(你还
: 挣了利息)。反正无论如何都对你没有损失。但是政府一般不会向公司要补交fica。

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发信人: fakeshawn (spoon!), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug  7 21:41:15 2014, 美东)


【 在 Monfucius (莽夫子) 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果payroll被audit,该交的没交,公司肯定需要补交并加利息。

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发信人: Monfucius (莽夫子), 信区: TAX
标  题: Re: F1 OPT 5年后需要交SS Medicare tax么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug  8 00:00:35 2014, 美东)

呵呵,同意那是公司的事。不过,也未必每个人都希望不交 SS 税。

比如,某位网友,交了九年 SS 税,忽然决定海龟中国。如果他/她早交了一年 SS 税
,那他/她就能拿 SS 福利是吧?蚊子再小也是肉啊。


假设公司忘了扣我应该交的 SS 税,我准备离开公司了,那我当然会选择不在乎,不管
应该交的。Good faith 之类的考虑,也算是人之常情对吧。


【 在 fakeshawn (spoon!) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那是公司的事。

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