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Paypal Interview - Unix Admin


automation and tooling

patching os/db
automation could be better
big data sotres

inhouse tool enterpise manager

unix stack/solaris

700 oracle stack. unix
2800 linux nosql
100 ins
6000 hadoop hosts

google cloud for dev/test

'restricted zone'
tools not able to enter

puppet pipeline
cfengine for solaris

puppet 3 not good design.
each puppet master corresponds to a git repo
production github
puppet 4 end of year supposed.
monitor puppet agent.

database hosts
how to be up
password rotation through puppet
always 100 hosts not applied.


oracle db
20% critical. manual.
70% can be automated.

large org: db infrastructure

4 full time emplyees. me 5th.
oracle security engine
audit teams

tls development
tls 1.2
every db

sys adm
system internals
program mysql for
work with system engineering team
test in lab <--- br="">
software developer
data quality, dashboard, monitoring
2 contractors work with him

1 person in india with 2 contractors.

182 people in core data platform team
- storage engineering
- system engineering




what is ssl/tls certificate
what is the relationship between ssl and symmetric and asymmetric encription.
how do you ssh w/o passwd
public key private key

chmod 755
chmod 2755

ashwin report to sarah

patch Oracle
patch OS
import os patch to oracle management tool first.
one button patch


1 person brent in scottdale.
lab is in scottdale.
need visit a couple weeks for first few months.
recruiting same time at az and bay area. whichever first.
1 full time in india

5 person in total.
meet using video conferencing.

li = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']

print 'in order:'
for c in li:
    print c

print 'reverse order:'
for c in li[::-1]:
    print c

def fib(n):
    if n == 1 or n == 2:
        return 1
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

# print all the fib numbers smaller than 30
res = []
k = 1
while fib(k) < 30:
    k += 1

print res


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