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PSA: Check your freezer: 132,000 pounds of ground beef recalled due to possible E. coli contamination, one death


Not sure where to put this news for the most visibility. Please be safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Official Recall:


According to this source (, the following list is what they know so far:

"...The following is the list of ground beef items that are subject to recall:

• 3-lb. chubs of "OUR CERTIFIED 73/27 FINE GRIND GROUND BEEF" with a USE OR FREEZE BY JUL/11/18 and case code 00228749057646.

• 3-lb. chubs of "OUR CERTIFIED 73/27 FINE GRIND GROUND BEEF" with a USE OR FREEZE BY JUL/11/18 and case code 00228749002653.

• 10-lb. chubs of "EXCEL 73/27 FINE GRIND GROUND BEEF" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 00228749089098.

• 10-lb. chubs of "EXCEL 73/27 FINE GRIND GROUND BEEF" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 90028749002751

• 10-lb. chubs of "EXCEL 81/19 FINE GRIND GROUND BEEF" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 90028749003536.

• 10-lb. chubs of "EXCEL GROUND BEEF 81/19 FINE GRIND" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 00228749003568.

• 10-lb. chubs of "EXCEL CHUCK GROUND BEEF 81/19 FINE GRIND" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 90028749402773.

• 20-lb. chubs of "EXCEL 81/19 FINE GRIND GROUND BEEF COMBO" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 90028749073935.

• 10-lb. chubs of "Sterling Silver CHUCK GROUND BEEF 81/19 FINE GRIND" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 00228749702416.

• 10-lb. chubs of "CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF CHUCK GROUND BEEF 81/19 FINE GRIND" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 and case code 90028749802405.

• 10-lb. chubs of "CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF CHUCK GROUND BEEF 81/19 FINE GRIND" with a Use/Frz. By Jul 11 with case code 00228749802413.

• 10-lb. chubs of "Fire River Farms CLASSIC GROUND BEEF 81/19 FINE GRIND" with a USE/FREEZE BY: 07/11/2018 with case code 90734730297241."


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