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Setting up Prometheus Alertmanager

I have a pretty standard Prometheus, bunch of exporters and Grafana setup at home. This is mostly used to monitor different aspects of my house, like the exporter I have for power usage. However, while trying to figure out the cause of a node exporter crash I found myself in need of an alerting system, so that it could tell me when the node exporter crashed instead of me just checking on a daily basis to see if it had.
Thankfully there’s the Prometheus Alertmanager which neatly integrates into the whole ecosystem I already have. However, configuring it turned out to be a bit more of a pain in the ass, mainly b/c the configuration is split up between Prometheus and Alertmanager itself. And the docs are rather sparse.

Getting Alertmanager up and running

I run most of these components through Docker, so I created a unit file like this:
Description=Prometheus Alert Manager

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm alertmanager
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/docker run \
                           --name alertmanager \
                           --read-only \
                           -p 9093:9093 \
                           --expose 9093 \
                           -v alertmanager_data:/alertmanager:rw \
                           -v /etc/docker/config/alertmanager:/etc/alertmanager/:ro \
                           prom/alertmanager:v0.14.0 \
                           --config.file=/etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml \
                           --storage.path=/alertmanager \
                           --mesh.listen-address="" \
ExecStop=-/usr/bin/docker stop alertmanager

Don’t forget to also create the volume with a docker volume create alertmanager_data, and adjust the path to where you want to store the configuration file on the host too. I’ve put Alertmanager behind a reverse proxy, hence the --web.external-url parameter. I’m also disabling mesh by setting --mesh.listen-address="" b/c I don’t have more than a single Alertmanager running at home.
Now, lets start with a very basic Alertmanager config, enough for it to start but not push alerts to anywhere just yet. Put this in alertmanager.yml:
  receiver: dummy

  - name: dummy
And now systemctl daemon-reload; sytemctl start alertmanager. That’s all you need. Take a look at journalctl -u alertmanager and ensure it starts up. At this point you can reach it on http://localhost:9093 or whatever you set --web.external-url to, but don’t forget to configure the reverse proxy first.

Hooking up Prometheus and Alertmanager

Next, we need to actually tell Prometheus that there’s an alertmanager it can use when one of the alerting rules trigger. To that end, update your prometheus.yml with this:
  - 'alerts.yml'

    - scheme: http
      path_prefix: /alertmanager
        - targets: ['ip-of-alertmanager:9093']

I’m using a static_configs here to manually specify the target, but you can use all the usual discovery mechanisms available to you in Prometheus too. The rule_files is an array of files where we can find our alerting definitions. When a relative path is given, it’s relative to the location of prometheus.yml. Also note that you don’t need path_prefix if you haven’t specified --web.external-url or if --web.external-url does not include a path.
With that done, you can create an empty alerts.yml and restart Prometheus.

With their powers combined

Alright, so the reason I went down this road in the first place is because I wanted to be informed when a node exporter stopped reporting in. This rarely happens at home and either means the network is severely broken, or the exporter is dead.
To that end I added an alert in alerts.yml like this:
  - name: default
    - alert: InstanceDown
      expr: up == 0
      for: 5m
        severity: critical
        summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down"
        description: "{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes."
Alerts, like recording rules, are grouped in groups. You need at least 1 group and you can set the name to whatever floats your boat. Then you’ll have to add 1 or more rules which we do by providing an array of alerting rules.
I configure my alerts in the v2/YAML format, but there’s also the older v1 format. You’ll likely run into it if you find blog posts with examples from before mid-2017. v1 looks more like SQL statements, but maps really easily onto the v2 format.
In this case, the alert is named InstanceDown and in order to figure out if that’s the case it executes the up == 0 PromQL expr. It’ll fire once this is true for more than 5 minutes and attaches a severity label of critical to the alert. Finally we specify the summary and description of the alert, which are passed on to Alertmanager.
This works, but… we haven’t configured Alertmanager to poke us yet, so right now all you’ll see is the alert in Alertmanager’s web UI. In my case I wanted to use Pushover, so I created a new application in my account, put the token and user key in my alertmanager.yml and restarted it:
  receiver: pushover

  - name: pushover
      - token: app token
        user_key: your user key
As you can see pushover_configs is an array too, you can repeat that block multiple times to add more people/systems to push to. You can also have more types of receivers in a single receiver. There’s nothing stopping you from also adding a pagerduty_configs and email_configs to the same receiver, though you should rename the receiver at that point.
Since I don’t specify any route matches for any alert, Alertmanager will push every alert it gets through the default receiver, the one configured in the routesection.
Last but not least, probably want to test this. There’s no button to fire off a dummy alert, but curl will do the trick:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"status": "firing", "labels":{"alertname":"TestAlert1"}}]' localhost:9093/alertmanager/api/v1/alerts
In a couple of seconds you’ll get a push. B/c I set status: firing it’ll come in as a high priority alert through Pushover that you’ll have to explicitly acknowledge.

Next steps

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do with Prometheus’ alerting rules, paired with Alertmanager’s routing capabilities. At this point you have a working setup you can now experiment with.
The full capabilities of alerting rules are documented here, and over here you can find the docs on routing rules in Alertmanager. I highly recommend using the Routing Tree Editor/Visualiser as you go along. Do be careful about pasting secrets in there (the tree is computed using JS though, so nothing should leave your system).


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