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谷歌CEO 60秒演讲说

 谷歌CEO 60秒演讲说人生有五颗杂耍球要平衡:工作、家人、健康、朋友、灵魂。只有工作可以是橡胶球,摔地上还可重新开始,别的都是易碎球。祝大家好好珍惜自己的易碎球,当然也得维护自己的工作,但不可本末倒置,为了工作牺牲别的重要的东西。中秋感悟,大家阖家欢乐!

Google CEO Sundar Pichai
(He gave a speech in only 60 seconds) He said:

Imagine life is a game of 5 balls that you manipulate in the air trying not to fall these balls. One of them is rubber, and the rest is glass.

The five balls are:
Work, family, health, friends, soul.

It will not be long before you realize that (work) is a rubber ball. Whenever you fall, you will jump again, while the other balls are made of glass. If one of them falls, it will not return to its previous form.

It will either be damaged, bruised, cracked or even scattered.

You have to be aware of that and strive for it.

Manage your work efficiently during working hours, take the time to be assured of your sincerity, give the necessary time to your family and friends, take appropriate rest, and take care of your health. If you are gone, it isn't easy to return as it was.


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