From: Jerry McAllister <>
Date: Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CSSAMSU] Please recommend a dentist!
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 01:21:48AM +0800, agneszch wrote:
> ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> Would you please recommend a good dentist with lower expense
> for the removal of baby teeth? Thank you!
Is that necessary? Is there a problem with some teeth?
Normally baby teeth come out on their own when the adult
teeth start to come in.
The exception is what we call wisdom teeth - which are not
really baby teeth, but they tend to be soft and/or not fully
exposed and have to be removed. It is also possible that
if a first tooth is in too crooked, the adult tooth might not
push it out properly.
But, don't just have some removed unless it is really necessary.
That can cause problems with the emergence of the adult teeth.
As for which dentist to consult, pretty much all the dentists
in the area charge by what is called usual and customary, so
the prices are mostly quite similar -- and quite high.
The MSU Olin Health Center used to do minor dental work and
make referrals for other things. I don't know if they still do.
But it is worth checking with them.
There are a couple of dental clinics in the area. I have not
had any experience with them. But, they might be a little
less expensive, especially if you have their general dental
care package.
Good luck,
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