发信人: zlaotu (美国老土), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Re: 这里有没有人做过做Data analysist的工作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 2 09:58:46 2012, 美东)
Database Analyst/Business Analyst/System Application Analyst/Reporting
Engineer/Price Analyst/Work Force Analyst/Source Analyst/Market Analyst
All these kind of titles meant the same thing.
Database Analyst is one of the best job you should looking for.
Not need a formal CS degree. Any kind of degree will be OK.
Specially for a MBA, this job is perfect.
Database Analyst is listed as one of the high pay job in 2012 by US News.
The salary range is between $50k to $120k.
There are so many Database Analyst jobs open in many USA large/small
companies, like: 学校,银行,保险,通讯,运输,医院,政府,食品,法律,房地产,高科技,
等等, 决不局限在那少之又少的软件公司.
大部分 Database Analyst job 不要 SAS, 不用统计.
It takes many people three to six month to pick up the skill and start
looking for the job.
【 在 Paris1981 (winnie) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一般做这种position的需要多少经验才可以找到类是的工作?
: 在站内联系一下。thanks.
标 题: Re: 这里有没有人做过做Data analysist的工作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 2 09:58:46 2012, 美东)
Database Analyst/Business Analyst/System Application Analyst/Reporting
Engineer/Price Analyst/Work Force Analyst/Source Analyst/Market Analyst
All these kind of titles meant the same thing.
Database Analyst is one of the best job you should looking for.
Not need a formal CS degree. Any kind of degree will be OK.
Specially for a MBA, this job is perfect.
Database Analyst is listed as one of the high pay job in 2012 by US News.
The salary range is between $50k to $120k.
There are so many Database Analyst jobs open in many USA large/small
companies, like: 学校,银行,保险,通讯,运输,医院,政府,食品,法律,房地产,高科技,
等等, 决不局限在那少之又少的软件公司.
大部分 Database Analyst job 不要 SAS, 不用统计.
It takes many people three to six month to pick up the skill and start
looking for the job.
【 在 Paris1981 (winnie) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一般做这种position的需要多少经验才可以找到类是的工作?
: 在站内联系一下。thanks.
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