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做企业就得做广告,就得让人知道你在做什么,你企业的特色和优势。虽然目前经济不景气,很多人在个人消费方面“节衣缩食”,但是,对于企业经营相关的开支,很多时候还是当大方的得大方。也正是因为这种原因,很多人将生意的着眼点盯在企业广告开支这一块,而且还一再的取得了巨大的成功。当年的雅虎如此,后来的谷歌是,今天的Group On和Facebook(脸谱)也依然是。

Group On取得了初期的巨大成功,我自己也“成功”的在几个月之内在它那里做了三次广告。结果发现,越是成功(卖出的Deal越多),自己倒是越吃亏。在我看来,Group On广告平台,不是一个值得使用的平台,至少,是一个代价巨大,收益率比较低的平台。关于这个平台的广告效果分析,我放到今后有机会时再来进行。


在这里,如果你满足于搞“标题党”,很可能也会带来巨大的,但却是费钱不讨好的“点击率”。为了这个可恶的,让人又爱又讨厌的“点击率”,人们花了不少时间来合计,来提高点击率的使用效率,于是,就有了pay per click (CPC) 和 pay per impression (CPM) 的区别。这后者在前者的基础上进了一步:pay for the number of people who see your ad as opposed to how many click on it.两者的区别,就是到了门前没有进门(CPC)和到了门前并且还至少进门看了一眼(CPM)你写的那些玩意。



Facebook is a great place to advertise online, and tapping into its social media power can yield equally impressive results. Here's but one example:

Chris Meyer is a photographer -- specifically, a wedding photographer. Wanting to try something new to grow his business, Chris decided that he would start small and try a Facebook ad campaign. Like many others before and after him, Chris found that one of the best things about advertising on Facebook is that you can very specifically target who will see your ad. That means that you only (generally) pay for highly qualified leads, and that means that you save money while getting better prospects. When only people looking for what you sell see and click on your ads, your budget goes a long way.

So Chris created an ad for his wedding photography business and chose to have it be seen by women in his area, aged 24 to 30, whose Facebook "relationship status" was "engaged."

Chris spent $600 on the initial ad buy. And how much did he make? How does $40,000 over the course of a year sound? Obviously, he didn't stop there. Today, Chris says, "I have found [Facebook Ads] SO effective. My business wouldn't be anywhere close to where it is today if it weren't for Facebook, and the ads campaign."

Creating a Facebook ad campaign of your own is really very easy:

·        First, check out the Facebook advertising center.

·        Next, use the point-and-click design tools to create your ad.

·        After that, Facebook will ask you to target your exact audience, like Chris Meyer did. Your audience can be as large or small as you like, but the greater the reach, the more you will pay. You can choose to either pay per click (CPC) or pay per impression (CPM) -- that is, pay for the number of people who see your ad as opposed to how many click on it.

·        After that, you will be asked to create a budget, review your ad, and get started.

One thing you should really like about a Facebook ad campaign is that you will be able to track your results in real time, see who is clicking and change your ad if necessary.

That last point is very important. It is unwise to simply create an ad, check out, and come back a month later to see what happened. I once did a Google ad campaign, seeking people looking for "small business speakers." I ended up paying a lot of money for clicks from people looking for "Bose speakers," and not someone to keynote their next event.


于是乎,很多公司就提供“拉客”的办法,来争取更多的脸谱社区居民来和你拉上某种关系(连接, Like),在获得这种连接之后,它就可以对你进行广告和信息攻势了。为此,有的公司采取的是提供高额的奖励(六合彩)来诱惑人们入套。










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