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5 important features of HTTP

There are five important features of HTTP which you should support.

1. User−Agent
The User−Agent is simply a way for a client to tell a server who it is when it requests a web page, a syndicated
feed, or any sort of web service over HTTP. When the client requests a resource, it should always announce who it is,
as specifically as possible. This allows the server−side administrator to get in touch with the client−side developer if
anything is going fantastically wrong.

2. Redirects
Sometimes resources move around. Web sites get reorganized, pages move to new addresses. Even web services can
reorganize. A syndicated feed at might be moved to Or an entire domain might move, as an organization expands and
reorganizes; for instance, might be redirected to

Every time you request any kind of resource from an HTTP server, the server includes a status code in its response.
Status code 200 means "everything's normal, here's the page you asked for". Status code 404 means "page not
found". (You've probably seen 404 errors while browsing the web.)

HTTP has two different ways of signifying that a resource has moved. Status code 302 is a temporary redirect; it
means "oops, that got moved over here temporarily" (and then gives the temporary address in a Location: header).
Status code 301 is a permanent redirect; it means "oops, that got moved permanently" (and then gives the new
address in a Location: header). If you get a 302 status code and a new address, the HTTP specification says you
should use the new address to get what you asked for, but the next time you want to access the same resource, you
should retry the old address. But if you get a 301 status code and a new address, you're supposed to use the new
address from then on.

3. Last−Modified/If−Modified−Since
Some data changes all the time. The home page of is constantly updating every few minutes. On the other
hand, the home page of only changes once every few weeks (when they put up a special holiday logo, or
advertise a new service). Web services are no different; usually the server knows when the data you requested last
changed, and HTTP provides a way for the server to include this last−modified date along with the data you requested.

If you ask for the same data a second time (or third, or fourth), you can tell the server the last−modified date that you
got last time: you send an If−Modified−Since header with your request, with the date you got back from the
server last time. If the data hasn't changed since then, the server sends back a special HTTP status code 304, which
means "this data hasn't changed since the last time you asked for it". Why is this an improvement? Because when the
server sends a 304, it doesn't re−send the data. All you get is the status code. So you don't need to download the
same data over and over again if it hasn't changed; the server assumes you have the data cached locally.

All modern web browsers support last−modified date checking. If you've ever visited a page, re−visited the same page
a day later and found that it hadn't changed, and wondered why it loaded so quickly the second time −− this could be
why. Your web browser cached the contents of the page locally the first time, and when you visited the second time,
your browser automatically sent the last−modified date it got from the server the first time. The server simply says
304: Not Modified, so your browser knows to load the page from its cache. Web services can be this smart too.

Python's URL library has no built−in support for last−modified date checking, but since you can add arbitrary headers
to each request and read arbitrary headers in each response, you can add support for it yourself.

4. ETag/If−None−Match
ETags are an alternate way to accomplish the same thing as the last−modified date checking: don't re−download data
that hasn't changed. The way it works is, the server sends some sort of hash of the data (in an ETag header) along
with the data you requested. Exactly how this hash is determined is entirely up to the server. The second time you
request the same data, you include the ETag hash in an If−None−Match: header, and if the data hasn't changed,
the server will send you back a 304 status code. As with the last−modified date checking, the server just sends the
304; it doesn't send you the same data a second time. By including the ETag hash in your second request, you're
telling the server that th

5. Compression
The last important HTTP feature is gzip compression. When you talk about HTTP web services, you're almost always
talking about moving XML back and forth over the wire. XML is text, and quite verbose text at that, and text
generally compresses well. When you request a resource over HTTP, you can ask the server that, if it has any new
data to send you, to please send it in compressed format. You include the Accept−encoding: gzip header in
your request, and if the server supports compression, it will send you back gzip−compressed data and mark it with a
Content−encoding: gzip header.

There are 5 important features of HTTP web services that every client should support:
• Identifying your application by setting a proper User−Agent.
• Handling permanent redirects properly.
• Supporting Last−Modified date checking to avoid re−downloading data that hasn't changed.
• Supporting ETag hashes to avoid re−downloading data that hasn't changed.
• Supporting gzip compression to reduce bandwidth even when data has changed.


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