07/03, sent out my application through ISO
07/23, receipt notice sent
09/18, USCIS request more evidence (I-20)
09/25, USCIS received evidence
11/26, Card production ordered
11/30, Approval notice sent
12/02, ISO received EAD card
12/16, ISO noticed me to pick up my card
1 OPT申请需要多久?
人品问题,我第一次OPT用了2个星期,这次OPT延期总耗时超过5个月,处理时间大概4个月,其中学校IOS负有不可推卸的责任,反应速度慢,更重要的是第一次漏了我的I-20使得处理时间2个月 又两个月, 否则看样子2个月应该可以搞定。
2 OPT Extension申请期间OPT过期了怎么办?
中间我的OPT在10月2日就已经过期,不过按照规定,在OPT Extension Application Pending期间即使OPT过期也可以继续工作up to 180天。不需要申请,什么也不用干,继续工作就是,缺点就是没EAD,不能renew driver's license,好在我可以做bus上班,偶尔也开车,今天去renew
3. Self-employed或者contractor怎么申请OPT Extension?
申请Extension的时候要填的表I-765上要求填写Employer Name和E-Verify Number,而对于contractor或者self-employed的人来说,工作单位并不是自己的employer。比如我现在的工作是 Contractor,跟工作单位不是雇佣关系,因此申请OPT Extension的时候不能用工作单位作为e
er。为此仔细研究过相关规定,并咨询过USCIS的相关人员,电话过也Email过,最后得到的结论就是自己注册公司,申请business license,然后公司加入E-Verify,用E-verify系统Verify自己的Eligibility,然后申请OPT Extension的时候就用自己公司的名字和E-Verify Number
ΑR蛭沂莍ndependent contractor,所以属于self-employed business owner,现工作单位相当于我的客户,我的工作也就是我的business activity。这种情况完全符合OPT Extension的规定:Self-employed business owner. Students on a STEM extension can start a busin
nd be self-employed. In this situation, the student must register his or her business with E-Verify and work full time. The student must be able to prove that he or she has the proper business licenses and is actively engaged in a business related to
or her degree program。
4. Other Advantages of starting business:
All the expenses related to your business are tax deductable. Examples include commuting expenses(gas, maintainance etc), health insurance, gym fees, computers, books, even dinner or movie if that is related to your business.
有想self-employed解决OPT期间employment问题的同学可以借鉴,但需要注意的是我是有business activity的,也符合其他相关的规定。如果有人想靠开空头公司但不干任何事情来解决问题,我认为理论上这是不行的,实际上还是 unemployment,虽然可能没有人管,但那是另一回事
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