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标 题: NSA避免再爆丑闻,停止了加密软件Truecrypt的开发
发信人: mitbbs2715 (好吃不懒做), 信区: Military
标  题: NSA避免再爆丑闻,停止了加密软件Truecrypt的开发
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 29 11:36:19 2014, 美东)


Several readers sent word that the website for TrueCrypt, the popular disk
encryption system, says that development has ended, and Windows users should
switch to BitLocker. A notice on the site reads, "WARNING: Using TrueCrypt
is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues. ... You should
migrate any data encrypted by TrueCrypt to encrypted disks or virtual disk
images supported on your platform." It includes a link to a new version of
TrueCrypt, 7.2, and provides instructions on how to migrate to BitLocker.
Many users are skeptical of a site defacement, and there's been no
corroborating post or communication from the maintainers. However, the
binaries appear to be signed with the same GPG key that the TrueCrypt
Foundation used for previous releases. A source code diff of the two
versions has been posted, and the new release appears to simply remove much
of what the software was designed to do. It also warns users away from
relying on it for security. (The people doing an audit of TrueCrypt had
promised a 'big announcement' soon, but that was coincidental.) Security
experts are warning to avoid the new version until the situation can be


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