发信人: zhetian (叶凡), 信区: Military
标 题: 美国之前曾消灭过一个黄种人文明,不可小视。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 5 16:49:15 2019, 美东)
5月3日,美国国务院政策规划主任Kiron Skinner说到:苏联是西方大家庭一员,中国
震惊的一点是,这是我们第一次和一个非白人列强竞争。(When we think about the
Soviet Union in that competition [the Cold War], in a way, it was a fight
within the Western family.This is a fight with a really different
civilization, and a different ideology, and the United States hasn't had
that before. Nor has it had an economic competitor the way that we have. The
Soviet Union was a country with nuclear weapons and the Red Army but a
backwards economy. In China we have an economic competitor, we have an
ideological competitor, one that really does seek a kind of global reach
that many of us didn't expect a couple of decades ago. And I think it's also
striking that it's the first time that we will have a great power
competitor that is not Caucasian。)
标 题: 美国之前曾消灭过一个黄种人文明,不可小视。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 5 16:49:15 2019, 美东)
5月3日,美国国务院政策规划主任Kiron Skinner说到:苏联是西方大家庭一员,中国
震惊的一点是,这是我们第一次和一个非白人列强竞争。(When we think about the
Soviet Union in that competition [the Cold War], in a way, it was a fight
within the Western family.This is a fight with a really different
civilization, and a different ideology, and the United States hasn't had
that before. Nor has it had an economic competitor the way that we have. The
Soviet Union was a country with nuclear weapons and the Red Army but a
backwards economy. In China we have an economic competitor, we have an
ideological competitor, one that really does seek a kind of global reach
that many of us didn't expect a couple of decades ago. And I think it's also
striking that it's the first time that we will have a great power
competitor that is not Caucasian。)
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