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Google Adsense or Medium? Who pays more and better?


Friends, I’m going to be honest, when I thought about this theme to write for you, as soon as I was the theme layout designer, I said to myself: I’m not ashamed to make a comparison between Google Adsense and Medium? But the great truth is that I like such suggestive and problematic themes, since I work with both platforms, today I want to talk a little about the experience I’m having with both platforms.

So let’s compare these great platforms to know in the end if you choose Adsense or choose Medium?

To start with this big end, I want to say that my friends the great truth is that Google Adsense is well known worldwide and many dream of making money with this platform, but many have no idea on creating original content for a Youtube channel, or even because they don’t know how to program a website, or with little chance of creating a website, these people end up not joining what is known worldwide as the largest online paying platform in the world.

But my friends like Google Adsense, there is another platform that pays tremendously or may even be more effective in paying than Adsense, and this platform is Medium.

Initially created for journalists, bloggers to express their stories and news, Medium became popular and opened its new hybrid platform that allows its writers to earn from their content published on the platform, and pays well, payments that leave my dear friend wanting.

To unveil this well, we first need to know what Google Adsense is and then know what Medium is.

Google AdSense is an advertising service offered by Google; where website owners and YouTube channel owners can subscribe to the program to display text, image and, more recently, video ads. Ad delivery is managed by Google and generates revenue based on either clicks or views.

As stated above, Medium is a blog publishing platform for journalists, bloggers and storytellers; however the platform has evolved into a hybrid system of unprofessional and professional contributions paid for publishing their content within the platform, interacting with readers and admirers of reading.

Now that we know who’s who, let’s figure out who pays more, whether it’s Adsense or Medium.

If you read the story about Wix or Wordpress, know more or less how the outcome ended, we saw that both platforms are powerful, but one is more responsive than the other. Fine, but what does Wix and Wordpress have to do with Adsense and Medium?

Calm down my dear friend, this is just a comparison example. Google Adsense is known worldwide as a powerful platform for making money online for its many services worldwide and also for being one of the largest technology companies on the planet. Medium, on the other hand, is simply a platform founded by Twitter co-founder Evan William, which lets you post blog content and just as simple.

This is exactly where people go wrong about not knowing a giant and undiscovered treasure of the internet, because just as Google was not so well known, so is Medium, Medium is a platform that is only 7 years in the market, but already has paid over $ 6 million for its writers since 2017.

If your question is really just who pays more, know that Google Adsense has already paid more money than Medium, all because Google started trading first than Medium.

To earn money from Google Adsense you must have a website or a YouTube channel to apply for the YouTube Partner Program or submit your site for review on Adsense and once approved you are able to link ads on your website and make money, already with the Youtube channel after you apply for the YouTube Partner Program, you will have to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in your channel in the last 12 months, after which you can start earning money from ads that will pass on your videos.

Earnings through Google Adsense are paid through impressions, views, or clicks that visitors to content on websites or YouTube videos on that content, meaning you earn money from Adsense when people visit your site or watch your videos. .

Payment by Google is segmented by 1000 views, depending on location, in some places Adsense pays $ 1 per 1000 views, in other locations it ranges from $ 5 to $ 10.

Medium is the easiest platform for making money online; she is the platform type of pole and win. Let me explain how this works.

To earn money on Medium, you first need to sign up for a platform account, you can sign up through a Google account, Facebook, Twitter or your own private Email, and unlike other platforms on Medium When you create your account you do not have to fill in all that data, as soon as you create your account, edit your profile, you can immediately apply for the Medium Partner Program, to be a member able to make money from your stories.
The earnings on Medium have been updated several times since the first year the platform went hybrid, and currently since the last update of October 2019, Medium writers would gain from their content, the longer readers would read. your stories, ie what was gained by views, likes because in Medium the likes have been replaced by claps, if anyone likes your story she has a chance to give up to 50 claps, and with that you get .
And how much do I earn by reading?

Just like Google Adsense the highest earnings depend on your location, Medium is no different, perhaps because they are US platforms, but Medium has paid its members well.

Earnings are calculated by the time your readers spend reading your stories, because that’s another thing that only exists in Medium, what you know as a publication, here in Medium is called history. A minute of reading on Medium varying the location area, such as my location, costs $ 0.08 $ 0.10, $ 0.12.

This means that on Medium if you have reached 1,000 minutes of reading, according to the values ​​presented here you can earn between $ 80, $ 100 or $ 120 if you are in my location.
Earnings Summary between Adsense and Medium.

We can gauge who pays the most between Google Adsense and Medium, by comparing earnings by views on Adsense and reading time on Medium, Medium comes out on top, even though Google has already paid over $ 1 Billion to its creators of contents.

In short I can say that both platforms are good and pay very well, but each has its own guidelines so you can earn more per month. For example, the video that made the most money on Youtube in 2019 was a video that reached up to $ 16,000 and already on Medium, the October payout earned by a single writer, the highest payout was $ 24,000 this shows how Medium is competitive and powerful. on the internet despite being discovered by thousands.


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