1. bring up Amazon page
2. put this in the search box "books $0 Kindle store"
3. Use the option to the top right of the resulting list and select " Sort by: Price Low to High"
4. Now your free options are at the top of the list
"28 results 10/3 12:35 p.m. for "books $0 Kindle store"
5. You can narrow and focus your search results by selecting "Kindle
eBooks" under "Kindle Store" on the left side of the screen. For
example: I chose category 'Cookbooks, Food & Wine' and it narrowed
the results to just a handful of $0 ebooks.
6. If you want to check another specific topic/category, go back to the left column, and re-select what you want to see.
Warning: The lists may include some $0 Kindle Unlimited
books which have a cost for non-subscribers listed at the last line for
that ebook.
I have confirmed this works over several days by bringing up Chrome and not even signing in to Amazon.
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