Current inflation is due to four main factors.
(1) Monetary inflation, too much money chasing too few goods (2)
Discouraging fossil fuels before having a renewable energy solution (3)
Supply chain bottlenecks due to the pandemic, and (4) weak US foreign policy
starting with Afghanistan tempting Putin to invade Ukraine causing energy
prices and food prices to spiral higher.
Leadership matters so poor leadership out of the Fed, US treasury and
foreign policy, and ultimately the Biden administration have left the US
economy and financial markets in peril.
When you dump trillions of dollars into the economy completely untethered
from output guess what you will get?
<ding ding ding> I’ll take runaway inflation for 9% Joe.
This is the fundamental problem with “stimulus checks,” “universal basic
income” and other disutopian dream states. When you pay the labor force to
not produce you drive shortages and create inflationary pressures that end
up consuming the handouts.
We are now living in an economic disaster cooked up by mushroom consuming
Berkeley professors who are completely disconnected from reality. The
Chicago and Austrian schools always win. But they provide inconvenient
truths that ravage the mad dream state of left wing populists. Pre Setup Once you've gained access to your terminal it might be wise to spend ~1 minute to setup your environment. You could set these: alias k = kubectl # will already be pre-configured export do = "--dry-run=client -o yaml" # k get pod x $do export now = "--force --grace-period 0" # k delete pod x $now Vim To make vim use 2 spaces for a tab edit ~/.vimrc to contain: set tabstop=2 set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 More setup suggestions are in the tips section . Question 1 | Contexts Task weight: 1% You have access to multiple clusters from your main terminal through kubectl contexts. Write all those context names into /opt/course/1/contexts . Next write a command to display the current context into /opt/course/1/ , the command should use kubectl . Finally write a second command doing the same thing into ...
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