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My Priority Date is Current, Am I Eligible for Additional H-1B Extensions?


For H-1B workers who have been subject to per-country visa limitations and unable to file an application to adjust status (I-485), you are probably familiar with the ability to continue to extend H-1B status beyond the six-year limit in three-year increments based on your approved I-140 immigrant petition. These requests for H-1B extensions are made under the provisions of Section 104(c) of the American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act (AC21). But, what happens when the immigrant visa finally becomes available and the priority date is current? Is it possible to continue to extend the H-1B?

Another provision of AC21 may allow continued extensions of H-1B status in one-year increments according to Section 106(b). In order to be eligible to file an H-1B extension beyond the six-year limit after your priority date (Final Action Date) becomes current,

  1. your labor certification or I-140 petition must have been filed at least 365 days before you reached your six-year limit of H-1B time, and
  2. you’ll need to file your I-485 application for adjustment of status within one year of your Final Action Date becoming current (if outside the US, you would need to apply for an immigrant visa within one year).

If you meet these requirements, you may continue to extend your H-1B status in one-year increments until a final decision is made to approve or deny your pending I-485 application.

What if you are unable to file your I-485 application for adjustment of status within one year of your Final Action Date becoming current, such as the situation when you are no longer with the employer that sponsored your labor certification and I-140 petition?

According to the regulations revised in 2017, an H-1B worker is generally ineligible for continued extensions beyond the six year limit if he or she is the beneficiary of an approved I-140 immigrant petition and fails to file an adjustment of status application within 1 year of an immigrant visa being authorized for issuance based on his or her preference category and country of chargeability. However, USCIS may excuse a failure to file in its discretion if the H-1B worker establishes that the failure to apply for adjustment of status was due to circumstances beyond his or her control.

Where the adjustment of status could not be filed because the H-1B worker is no longer with the original sponsor, it will be up to the discretion of USCIS to decide whether this qualifies as a circumstance beyond the worker’s control in order to grant a one-year H-1B extension. It may be helpful to document the steps the new employer has taken to file a labor certification on behalf of the employee.

Also note that if the accrual of the 1-year period is interrupted by the unavailability of an immigrant visa, such as when a priority date becomes current and later retrogresses, a new 1-year period starts when the priority date becomes current again.  

What if the labor certification was filed less than 365 days before the six year limit was reached and the priority date is now current? Unfortunately, there is no ability to extend an H-1B that is already beyond the six-year limit any further. Even though the H-1B worker was able to extend the H-1B in three-year increments based upon the approved I-140 under AC21 Section 104(c), the worker will not be able to extend under 106(b) where the labor certification was filed after the worker began his or her sixth year of H-1B time. An individual in this situation would need to file an adjustment of status and use the employment authorization (EAD) card received based on that application in order to continue to work. If the current H-1B expires before the EAD card is received, the individual will no longer be authorized to work until the EAD card is received.


  1. Is it true? I read it any be filed anytime in the future unless law changed? Of cause the bona fide job offer has to be there and your I-140 is still in good standing.


  2. If you're in the US and the I-140 is in USCIS custody, then usually there is no problem with filing the I-485 late.

    If you're outside the US and the I-140 is with the NVC, they may terminate it if you don't apply for an immigrant visa after your date has been current for 1 year. In that case you lose the priority date from that I-140.

    USCIS theoretically could also terminate I-140s for the same reason, but I haven't heard of them actually doing so.


  3. Yes, I think if you come back to the US more than 1 year later you should still be able to file the I-485. Anecdotally, there have been some stories on the forum about people who filed after more than 1 year. However I cannot promise that USCIS will not change its policy later.




  6. You must file within one year of your PD becoming "current", otherwise could risk having your case cancelled due to "abandonment."


  7. The government could cancel your priority date if you don't apply for a green card within one year.

  8. 兄弟,放平心态就行,公司里面没有6变形战士,每家公司都有一个大家可以喷的点,亚麻的pip,脸的卷和perm,🐶的升职速度,软的💰,每家都有自己最“忠实”的黑粉,大家吐槽自己又不会掉块肉,也没必要给公司正名啥的,有的人在好公司的烂组,有的人在一般公司的天堂组,就比如我,我在一家可能💰多一些的厂,但是我的梦司就是软,每当听到朋友说软💰多么多么少,我就想说,我就不能选个wlb好的,稳一点的厂吗? 别的公司多的那点钱还不如我一年收的租的多。自己给自己的生活就行

  9. meta企业文化太烂 一个meta一个tiktok 拉黑保平安

  10. meta有好有坏,好的就是pay不错,公司比较稳定。. 1point3acres
    . Χ

  11. 我后来发现refresh 一点儿用都没有, 完全无法跟init grant 抗衡,不在一个数量级,连续 high performing,但是四年过后仅靠refresh依然总包骤降
    所以跳槽拿包裹都不care refresh了,前四年比较重要, 四年升1--2级马上跳一次槽。


  12. 很卷:你又是terminal level e5,又找到了不卷的组,其他那些不是5的怎么办?你应该知道有非升即走的政策吧?

  13. META是IT界最不卷的公司了,大家不需要打个你死我活地才能升职,大家都能升,还升很快,升职意味收入大增,不象其它美国it公司想着法子lowball,或拖着不给升职。当然大多数人进不去,连拿到面试机会都不容易

  14. 脸的钱是真的多,等拿了卡脸会变成很多人的dream。但没卡之前,不好意思他可能都不在考虑范围(btw前段时间的有一个帖子不是脸的hr说现在只收绿卡了么)

  15. 我觉得最大的问题在于业务线太窄。而且全靠metrics根本做不出能质变的东西。希望metaverse能成功吧。

  16. 见不得别人好是人的天性,尤其是在匿名论坛,更容易表现出来这种天性。Meta对员工真心不错。用户可以喷Meta,但程序员真没必要,没有Meta这条大方的活鲶鱼,大家都pay要整体降一个档次


  17. 加州大学校长田长霖身边的FBI线人

    25年。 田长霖1997年退休








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