发信人: SuperCary (Cary), 信区: CS
标 题: 在US读CS的Phd真要5-6年,每周60-80工作小时?
关键字: 读书,phd,cs,gre,toefl
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 25 02:11:40 2012, 美东)
在UCI一个prof的主页上看到下面的要求。看完后有点悲催了。一方面是觉得人家人家教授知道咱的动机,另一方面是对研究生的要求感觉非常高,最后就是 对自己今后的人生充满迷茫。不知道US的master和phd,自己一个马上奔三的人能否坚持下来。或许,自己一直是一个人的缘故,不喜欢目前太稳定的工 作,总觉得这辈子就这么过去了没意思。可能如果我已经建立了家庭,或许就不会想着继续上学(离开中国)。其实自己是个喜欢研究技术的人,一方面总感觉专业 上有那么多东西需要学习,但是时间实在有限;另一方面总逃不开外界(社会风气以及自己的圈子)对自己的影响,无法很专注的投入,担心自己的生活没有物质保 障。
Be Passionate: Getting a Ph.D. shouldn't only be about immigrating into the United States — yet for many of our applicants, that appears to be the prime motivation. Ask yourself: does the area that I am applying for really interest me sufficiently that I want to be spending 5-6 years working in it, 60-80 hours a week? Successfully completing your Ph.D. requires an enormous amount of self-motivation. The dirty little secret of graduate education is that the drop out rate hovers around 50% — chances are very high that you won't make it unless you seriously love your research subject. The prospect of a better life after graduating is not normally sufficient to pull people through the hardship that graduate school really is. You may also want to read Doug Comer's very relevant web page “Notes on the Ph.D. Degree”.
标 题: 在US读CS的Phd真要5-6年,每周60-80工作小时?
关键字: 读书,phd,cs,gre,toefl
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 25 02:11:40 2012, 美东)
在UCI一个prof的主页上看到下面的要求。看完后有点悲催了。一方面是觉得人家人家教授知道咱的动机,另一方面是对研究生的要求感觉非常高,最后就是 对自己今后的人生充满迷茫。不知道US的master和phd,自己一个马上奔三的人能否坚持下来。或许,自己一直是一个人的缘故,不喜欢目前太稳定的工 作,总觉得这辈子就这么过去了没意思。可能如果我已经建立了家庭,或许就不会想着继续上学(离开中国)。其实自己是个喜欢研究技术的人,一方面总感觉专业 上有那么多东西需要学习,但是时间实在有限;另一方面总逃不开外界(社会风气以及自己的圈子)对自己的影响,无法很专注的投入,担心自己的生活没有物质保 障。
Be Passionate: Getting a Ph.D. shouldn't only be about immigrating into the United States — yet for many of our applicants, that appears to be the prime motivation. Ask yourself: does the area that I am applying for really interest me sufficiently that I want to be spending 5-6 years working in it, 60-80 hours a week? Successfully completing your Ph.D. requires an enormous amount of self-motivation. The dirty little secret of graduate education is that the drop out rate hovers around 50% — chances are very high that you won't make it unless you seriously love your research subject. The prospect of a better life after graduating is not normally sufficient to pull people through the hardship that graduate school really is. You may also want to read Doug Comer's very relevant web page “Notes on the Ph.D. Degree”.
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