my suggestion is " do not answer the question about salary",
tell them sth like these, you do not know the living expense
there and have no idea of the market value of the position,
then ask them how much it should be for a person like you.
if they force you to give them a salary number, implying
that they do not want to pay you a good salary. Job market
is so good right now, so begin to look for other company.
Do not behave like desperately. Be confident and good luck.
Remember that do not think your China degree is worse than
a US degree. That is a lie full of shit. A lot of people
are trying to take advantage of that, and you won't want
them to do that, otherwise your "ball" is in their hands
and they can manipulate you as they want.
【 在 harewang (生煎小馒头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我是六个月前以H4身份来美的,本科是计算机,国内有三年的工作经
: 验。现在找到一
: 个规模不算大的计算机公司,面试都通过了。上周五对方要我给他们
: 一个薪水范围。
: 由于我申请的职位是SOFTWARE ENGINEER,主要是用VC,MFC等工具编
: 写程序,我在网上
: 看了看,这个职位的薪水基本上是60K以上,所以周五给他们回邮件
: 提到了60K---65K,
: (不过可以再商量等等〕。本以为他们会在周五给我回邮件的,但是
: 我周五没有收到,所以现在特别着急,象我这样只有中国的三年工作
: 经验,但没有美国的工作经验,不知到要60K
: 是不是太高?这个职位到底能要多少?在薪水问题上男女是否有别?
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