Personal experience with American companies when I was still in China. May
not be applicable to your case. Take this advice at your own discretion.
1. It is the best to discuss the salary increase request in person. A phone
conversation may also work but you really should avoid using e-mail.
2. Make the item the last one (or close to last one) of your conversation.
Say a lot of positive things before you ask.
3. Simply ask for the possibility of a salary raise but offer no reason, e.g.,
I wonder whether it is possible that my salary could be a little bit higher?
4. You can get a quick sense from the other side's response. If they ask you
for a detailed number, you give a number, followed by the statement that you
will be grateful that if they can offer but you will understand that if they
cannot (you only have this sole offer, don't you?)
5. Avoid any confrontation in arguing that you should have the figure - your
salary is determined by both the market and company policies, not how good you
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