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How you may decline a job offer while trying to keep the door open

How you may decline a job offer while trying to keep the door open

Rejecting a job offer should be done with much consideration. Here are just some of the points for you to consider on how to decline a job offer:
Timing and Proper documentation: Make it a point to turn down the job offer with the proper letter, and that the letter is sent to the person or people involved in due course. Make it a point not to save the declining of the job offer as a text file only or only as a voice call.
Speak to the people: Aside from that, before you send a document discussing your declining of the offer, it would be a good idea to actually speak to the people with whom you had interacted and verbally inform them of your declination before it is put onto paper.
Be Frank: There might be several reasons why you do not wish to join a particular company and therefore turn down a job offer. These reasons may be logistical, financial, or even purely professional. If you are interested in a job but are apprehensive about joining the company due to only a couple of issues, chances are that the company may put across another job offer to with special attention given to the points with which you were uncomfortable.
Always Keep Communications Line Open: In the corporate world, one of the most important aspects of success is networking. Keeping the right network open and putting the right people in your network will make a world of difference in your professional life.
Therefore, even when you are declining a job offer, make sure that you make it clear that you are declining the job offer with great regret. If possible, try to count the positive aspects of the job position that you were offered, and discreetly demonstrate your willingness to work with them either on a future occasion or if certain factors change.
Positive image: Additionally, declining a job offer depends on the position to which you applied. If you were offered a job that was a very senior position, you would have met many more people than you had earlier anticipated. Logically, there is a chance that these people may cross your path in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to keep networking and maintaining your positive image.
Time Frame: Make sure that you inform them about your decision to decline the job offer well in time. A situation where you inform them a day or a week before you were supposed to join would not work well for your professional life. Make sure to inform the company that you have rejected their job offer as soon as you make a decision, and also be sure that you make the decision as soon as possible.
The above points should answer your question – How to turn down a job offer in an appropriate professional manner.

Free Sample Letter Declining a Job Offer

The following is a sample letter draft that can be used for declining a job offer:
Dear Sirs/Mesdames,
Thank you very much for the letter offering me the position of “job title”.
I am grateful for the time and effort you spent considering me for the “job title”.
Because I was impressed with ABC Company, making a decision was challenging.
After careful thought, however, I have decided not to accept the job offer.
The following points are the reasons for my decision: a, b, c, d.
I hope you can revise the job offer based on the aforementioned points.
I wish you and ABC continued success.
Thank you again for your time and consideration,
Please rewrite according to your needs.


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