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错误方式一:我有老婆有孩子还刚刚买了房子,老爷太太多赏几个大子儿吧 (直接去


摆就算了千万别当真,人家关你什么事),或者amazon google facebook microsoft
IBM walmart McDonald 都给多少多少钱(他们给多少钱你去他们那儿啊,你是来我们


第一步,(拍公司的马屁)你们公司呢,这个好,那个好,好多地方都是 exactly
what I am looking for in my career path for the next three to five years, (

三项的就不用接着看了),好多地方都是 a great match to the xxx team (再强调
what you can bring to the table,目的依然是别把offer谈跑了);

第三步,(咱们求同存异过了,来多谈点问题少谈些主义吧)我 looking forward to
working with you, but financially, it has to make sense as well. (强调钱不
是万能滴但没有钱是万万不能滴)。我希望能拿 xxx as base salary on the move (
个人建议留出讨价还价的余地,提expectation 加5K,谁跟着学风险自负哈),因为呢
,based on the job description, it requires xxx skills (team coordination,
vision, xxx technology, etc 翻回去看招人广告)—— it is not an entry level
job. I feel the xxx salary is proportional (这个词值两个包子) to what is
expected from the job. (暗示他,是这个工作值这么多钱,不是我要这么多钱,你
雇谁来干这个活都要给这个数的。) It would certainly sweeten up the deal and
persuade me to make up my mind. (漂亮收尾华丽转身,挥一挥衣袖不带走一片云彩


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