发信人: sun (瀑布), 信区: Immigration
标 题: NIW的3个条件。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 29 15:42:54 2007)
In order to qualify for an NIW, the candidate must demonstrate the following:
1. He/she seeks work in an area of substantial intrinsic merit; and
2. The candidate's proposed work will benefit the nation as a whole; and
3. National interest would be adversely affected if a Labor Certification were required for the alien.
Ultimately, an alien who seeks an exemption under an NIW from the job offer requirement must be able to demonstrate that the benefit his or her activity would provide to the nation is so great as to outweigh the nation's interest inherent in completion of the Labor Certification process.
标 题: NIW的3个条件。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 29 15:42:54 2007)
In order to qualify for an NIW, the candidate must demonstrate the following:
1. He/she seeks work in an area of substantial intrinsic merit; and
2. The candidate's proposed work will benefit the nation as a whole; and
3. National interest would be adversely affected if a Labor Certification were required for the alien.
Ultimately, an alien who seeks an exemption under an NIW from the job offer requirement must be able to demonstrate that the benefit his or her activity would provide to the nation is so great as to outweigh the nation's interest inherent in completion of the Labor Certification process.
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