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Tinder is a location-based social discovery application that facilitates communication between mutually interested users. The dating app allows users to chat with their matches.[1]

Contents  [hide]
1 History
2 Operation
2.1 Features
3 Users
4 Advertising
5 Controversies
5.1 Security
5.2 New policies
6 Lawsuits
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
Tinder was founded by Joe Munoz, Sean Rad, Whitney Wolfe, Chris Gylczynski, Justin Mateen, Jonathan Badeen. It was seeded at numerous college campuses, and expanded to other college campuses. Tinder won TechCrunch's Crunchie Award for "Best New Startup of 2013""[2]

Using Facebook, Tinder is able to build a user profile with photos that have already been uploaded. Basic information is gathered and the users' social graph is analyzed. Candidates who are most likely to be compatible based on geographical location, number of mutual friends, and common interests are then streamed into a list of matches. Based on the results of potential candidates, the app allows the user to anonymously like another user by swiping right or pass by swiping left on them. If two users like each other it then results in a "match” and they are able to chat within the app.[3]

Swipe is central to Tinder's application design. From the compatible matches the app's algorithm provides, users swipe right to "like" potential matches and swipe left to continue on their search.
Moments is an ephemeral photo feature with capabilities to edit, filter, and like the photos from people with whom they are matched.
Instagram integration enables users to access the Instagram profiles of the people that they match with.[4]
Common Connections allows users to see whether they share a mutual Facebook friend with a match (a first degree connection on Tinder) or when a user and their match have two separate friends who happen to be friend with each other (considered second degree on Tinder).[4][5]
Tinder is used widely throughout the world and is available in over 30 languages.

As of late 2014, an estimated 50 million people use the app every month with an average of 12 million matches per day.[6] However, to get to those 12 million matches, users collectively make around 1 billion swipes per day.[6]

As of April 2015, Tinder users swipe through 1.6 billion Tinder profiles and make more than 26 million matches per day. More than 6 billion matches have been made since Tinder launched in 2012.[7]

Advertisers have the ability to set up a Facebook account liking all the things that their target consumer would like. Because Tinder uses Facebook's social graph, potential matches would reflect shared Facebook likes.

There have been several types of campaigns, some using guerrilla marketing others using formal advertising, to engage with consumers.

One of the campaigns launched by Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH The Barn) used the Tinder profiles to promote their NYC Puppy Rescue Project.[8] Using Facebook pet profiles, BBH was able to add them to the Tinder network. The campaign received media cover from Slate (magazine), Inc. (magazine), Huffington Post and more.[9]

In April 2015, Tinder revealed their first sponsored ad promoting Budweiser's next #Whatever, USA campaign.[10]

In February 2014, security researchers in New York found a flaw which made it possible to find users' precise locations for between 40 and 165 days, without any public notice from the company. Tinder's spokesperson, Rosette Pambakian, said the issue was resolved within 48 hours. Chief Executive Officer Rad said in a statement that Tinder implemented specific measures to enhance location security and further obscure location data shortly after being contacted.[11]

New policies[edit]
In March 2015, Tinder announced the public release of their paid service, Tinder Plus, which has been met with controversy over limiting the number of "likes" a free user can give to other users in a certain amount of time and also charging prices for different age groups. The price of a Tinder Plus subscription was announced to be £14.99/$19.99 USD per month for users over 28, while the same service for a user 28 and under will be £3.99/$9.99 USD per month.[12] A month after implementing these changes, TechCrunch reported that, no matter the consumer impression, Tinder's 'Swipe Right Limit Is Working.'[13]

On June 30, 2014, Tinder's co-founder and former vice president of marketing, Whitney Wolfe, filed a sexual harassment and sex discrimination suit in Los Angeles County Superior Court against IAC-controlled Match group, which owns the app. The lawsuit alleged that her fellow executives and co-founders Rad and Mateen had engaged in discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation against her, while Tinder's corporate supervisor, IAC's Sam Yagan, did nothing.[14] IAC suspended CMO Mateen from his position pending an ongoing investigation, and stated that it "acknowledges that Mateen sent private messages containing 'inappropriate content', but it believes Mateen, Rad and the company are innocent of the allegations".[15]


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