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Avoiding split brain with minimum_master_nodes

Avoiding split brain with minimum_master_nodesedit

To prevent data loss, it is vital to configure the discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes setting (which defaults to 1) so that each master-eligible node knows the minimum number of master-eligible nodes that must be visible in order to form a cluster.
To explain, imagine that you have a cluster consisting of two master-eligible nodes. A network failure breaks communication between these two nodes. Each node sees one master-eligible node… itself. With minimum_master_nodes set to the default of 1, this is sufficient to form a cluster. Each node elects itself as the new master (thinking that the other master-eligible node has died) and the result is two clusters, or a split brain. These two nodes will never rejoin until one node is restarted. Any data that has been written to the restarted node will be lost.
Now imagine that you have a cluster with three master-eligible nodes, and minimum_master_nodesset to 2. If a network split separates one node from the other two nodes, the side with one node cannot see enough master-eligible nodes and will realise that it cannot elect itself as master. The side with two nodes will elect a new master (if needed) and continue functioning correctly. As soon as the network split is resolved, the single node will rejoin the cluster and start serving requests again.
This setting should be set to a quorum of master-eligible nodes:
(master_eligible_nodes / 2) + 1
In other words, if there are three master-eligible nodes, then minimum master nodes should be set to (3 / 2) + 1 or 2:
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 
Defaults to 1.
To be able to remain available when one of the master-eligible nodes fails, clusters should have at least three master-eligible nodes, with minimum_master_nodes set accordingly. A rolling upgrade, performed without any downtime, also requires at least three master-eligible nodes to avoid the possibility of data loss if a network split occurs while the upgrade is in progress.
This setting can also be changed dynamically on a live cluster with the cluster update settings API:
PUT _cluster/settings
  "transient": {
    "discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes": 2
An advantage of splitting the master and data roles between dedicated nodes is that you can have just three master-eligible nodes and set minimum_master_nodes to 2. You never have to change this setting, no matter how many dedicated data nodes you add to the cluster.


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