发信人: V123 (文成武德日月神教教主-正在301治脚气), 信区: Military
标 题: 二毛三招找死,最终得偿所愿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 1 10:47:54 2022, 美东)
1. 坚定地追求加入北约 -- 其实北约大多数成员国是不愿意的, 因为它首先违反北约
加入的条件,怕被蠢驴拖入对俄战争。 但是我帝故意给予这头蠢驴无限的希望,诱惑
2.试图收复克里米亚和乌东俄罗斯族独立区域 -- 这个心情可以理解,但是纯属自不量
力 -- 如果你鳖想收复海参威,也是如出一辙的蠢逼。
3. 有关天然气管道-- 大毛被耍了一把,北溪二号吭哧吭哧建好了,然后被封闭; 经
过二毛的管道二毛坐地截留涨价,甚至威胁关闭, 大毛怒火攻心。
俺分析过, 北溪二号被关, 二毛必然挨揍,这是压垮骆驼的最后一跟稻草 (这个不
以上三条,其实都是我帝在背后布局, 一步一步用二毛这个诱饵把大毛带入陷阱中,
从今往后地球才是最危险的时刻, 恐怕我们这辈子能看到原子弹在天空爆炸
https://killer.sh Pre Setup Once you've gained access to your terminal it might be wise to spend ~1 minute to setup your environment. You could set these: alias k = kubectl # will already be pre-configured export do = "--dry-run=client -o yaml" # k get pod x $do export now = "--force --grace-period 0" # k delete pod x $now Vim To make vim use 2 spaces for a tab edit ~/.vimrc to contain: set tabstop=2 set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 More setup suggestions are in the tips section . Question 1 | Contexts Task weight: 1% You have access to multiple clusters from your main terminal through kubectl contexts. Write all those context names into /opt/course/1/contexts . Next write a command to display the current context into /opt/course/1/context_default_kubectl.sh , the command should use kubectl . Finally write a second command doing the same thing into ...
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