>... Like all companies, we're not immune to economic headwinds...
> Instead, we've seen them as opportunities to deepen our focus and invest for the long term.
> Because of the hiring progress achieved so far this year, we'll be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year, while still supporting our most important opportunities. For the balance of 2022 and 2023, we'll focus our hiring on engineering, technical and other critical roles, and make sure the great talent we do hire is aligned with our long-term priorities.
new hire要面临换组,下一步是hiring freeze
> Moving forward, we need to be more entrepreneurial, working with greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we've shown on sunnier days.
.google и
> In some cases, that means consolidating where investments overlap and streamlining processes. . 1point3acres.com
组与组的合并,先干掉一线和二线经理(streamlining processes),下一步可能是individual contributor,因为是overlapping investment不能全留。
> In other cases, that means pausing development and re-deploying resources to higher priority areas.
> Making the company more efficient is up to all of us — we'll be creating more ways for you all to engage and share ideas to help, so stay tuned.
可能会给钱让员工自己走人,但是不要期望太高,通过performance rating把你manage out也是可能的。.--
. 1point3acres.com
> Scarcity breeds clarity — this is something we have been saying since the earliest days of Google.
【本文发表一天后,新的update】谷歌开始rescind offer!. 1point 3acres
. ----
1 发信时管理层心里已经清楚2022需要砍哪些留哪些项目了.google и
2 如果Q4看起来,2023还不会好的话,会把已经精简过的再砍一次,也就是说你可能这一轮工作任务加重,但明年还是要被裁
大家来欧洲找工作吧!我们的四个现代化需要你们!工资不如美国一半,但是程序员收入至少是欧洲各国的top 10%了,不愁买房,年假30天,不能随便炒人,全民医疗,来边玩边工作几年再回美国卷也行。
https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-824648-1-1.html. 1point 3acres
-baidu 1point3acres
补充内容 (2022-07-15 08:46 +8:00):
我之前在回帖里说了,凡是管理层的action,劈柴全部用的是we will be doing句式,也就是说会边执行边看是不是要继续更猛的动作。这个语法你能注意到的话,就很清楚it can get worse as time goes by了。
>... Like all companies, we're not immune to economic headwinds...
> Instead, we've seen them as opportunities to deepen our focus and invest for the long term.
> Because of the hiring progress achieved so far this year, we'll be slowing the pace of hiring for the rest of the year, while still supporting our most important opportunities. For the balance of 2022 and 2023, we'll focus our hiring on engineering, technical and other critical roles, and make sure the great talent we do hire is aligned with our long-term priorities.
new hire要面临换组,下一步是hiring freeze
> Moving forward, we need to be more entrepreneurial, working with greater urgency, sharper focus, and more hunger than we've shown on sunnier days.
.google и
> In some cases, that means consolidating where investments overlap and streamlining processes. . 1point3acres.com
组与组的合并,先干掉一线和二线经理(streamlining processes),下一步可能是individual contributor,因为是overlapping investment不能全留。
> In other cases, that means pausing development and re-deploying resources to higher priority areas.
> Making the company more efficient is up to all of us — we'll be creating more ways for you all to engage and share ideas to help, so stay tuned.
可能会给钱让员工自己走人,但是不要期望太高,通过performance rating把你manage out也是可能的。.--
. 1point3acres.com
> Scarcity breeds clarity — this is something we have been saying since the earliest days of Google.
【本文发表一天后,新的update】谷歌开始rescind offer!. 1point 3acres
. ----
1 发信时管理层心里已经清楚2022需要砍哪些留哪些项目了.google и
2 如果Q4看起来,2023还不会好的话,会把已经精简过的再砍一次,也就是说你可能这一轮工作任务加重,但明年还是要被裁
大家来欧洲找工作吧!我们的四个现代化需要你们!工资不如美国一半,但是程序员收入至少是欧洲各国的top 10%了,不愁买房,年假30天,不能随便炒人,全民医疗,来边玩边工作几年再回美国卷也行。
https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-824648-1-1.html. 1point 3acres
-baidu 1point3acres
补充内容 (2022-07-15 08:46 +8:00):
我之前在回帖里说了,凡是管理层的action,劈柴全部用的是we will be doing句式,也就是说会边执行边看是不是要继续更猛的动作。这个语法你能注意到的话,就很清楚it can get worse as time goes by了。
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