The collision points are surrounded by arrays of instrumentation called detectors. D0 is a fairly typical high energy physics detector. It measures thirty feet tall and fifty feet long and consists of four major parts.
1. Tracking system
The point where the beams collide is surrounded by "tracking detectors" to record the tracks (trajectories) of the high energy particles produced in the collision. The measurements closest to the collision are made using silicon detectors. These are flat wafers of silicon chip material. They give very precise information, but they are expensive, so we concentrate them closest to the beam where they don't have to cover so much area. The information from the silicon detector can be used to identify b-quarks (like the ones produced from the decay of a Higgs particle).
Outside the silicon, D0 has an outer tracker made using scintillating fibers, which produce photons of light when a particle passes through. The whole tracker is immersed in a powerful magnetic field so the particle tracks are curved; from the curvature we can deduce their momentum.
2. Calorimeter
Outside the tracker is a dense absorber to capture particles and measure their energies. This is called a calorimeter. It uses uranium metal bathed in liquefied argon; the uranium causes particles to interact and lose energy, and the argon detects the interactions and gives an electrical signal that we can measure.
3. Muon System
The outermost layer of the detector detects muons. Muons are unstable particles but they live long enough to leave the detector. High energy muons are quite rare and a good sign of interesting collisions. Unlike most common particles they don't get absorbed in the calorimeter so by putting particle detectors outside it, we can identify muons. Because the muon system has to surround all of the rest of the detector, it ends up being very large, and it is the first thing that you see when looking at D0.
4. Trigger system
Proton-antiproton collisions happen inside the detector 2.5 million times every second. We cannot record all those events; at most, perhaps 20 events per second can be stored on computer tape. The trigger is the system of fast electronics and computers than has to decide, in real time, whether an event is interesting enough to be worth keeping.
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