Innovations in financial markets research over the last fifty years are
the keystone of a belief system that guides Dimensional's approach to
investing. Today, the investment industry takes for granted the
calculation of rates of return and the availability of comparative
universes for professionally managed funds. But before the mid 1960s,
there was neither a generally accepted way to calculate a total return
nor a way to compare the returns of different funds. This all changed
with the advent of computers and the collection of data for mutual funds
as well as for individual stocks and bonds.
Rigorous testing by financial economists of that seminal era led to the development of asset pricing models to evaluate the risk/return characteristics of securities and portfolios, and also led to a theory of market efficiency that suggested excess returns were only achievable by taking on above-market risk. Studies documenting the failure of active managers to outperform market indexes gave rise in the early 1970s to passively managed index funds that relied on capital markets as the source of investment returns.
Further research and data compilation over several decades led to the identification of the multiple asset classes and sources of higher expected returns that form the basis of Dimensional's strategies.
Rigorous testing by financial economists of that seminal era led to the development of asset pricing models to evaluate the risk/return characteristics of securities and portfolios, and also led to a theory of market efficiency that suggested excess returns were only achievable by taking on above-market risk. Studies documenting the failure of active managers to outperform market indexes gave rise in the early 1970s to passively managed index funds that relied on capital markets as the source of investment returns.
Further research and data compilation over several decades led to the identification of the multiple asset classes and sources of higher expected returns that form the basis of Dimensional's strategies.
The History of Economics
Conventional Wisdom circa 1950
"Once you attain competency, diversification is undesirable. One
or two, or at most three or four, securities should be bought. Competent
investors will never be satisfied beating the averages by a few small
percentage points."Gerald M. Loeb The Battle for Investment Survival, 1935 Analyze securities one by one. Focus on picking winners. Concentrate holdings to maximize returns. Broad diversification is considered undesirable.
The Role of Stocks
James Tobin
Separation Theorem:Nobel Prize in Economics, 1981 1. Form portfolio of risky assets. 2. Temper risk by lending and borrowing. Shifts focus from security selection to portfolio structure. "Liquidity Preference as Behavior Toward Risk," Review of Economic Studies, February 1958. |
1950 |
Diversification and Portfolio Risk
Harry Markowitz
Diversification reduces risk.Nobel Prize in Economics, 1990 Assets evaluated not by individual characteristics but by their effect on a portfolio. An optimal portfolio can be constructed to maximize return for a given standard deviation. |
Investments and Capital Structure
Merton Miller and Franco Modigliani
Theorem relating corporate finance to returns.Nobel Prizes in Economics, 1985 and 1990 A firm's value is unrelated to its dividend policy. Dividend policy is an unreliable guide for stock selection.
Behavior of Securities Prices
Paul Samuelson, MIT
Market prices are the best estimates of value.Nobel Prize in Economics, 1970 Price changes follow random patterns. Future share prices are unpredictable. "Proof that Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly," Industrial Management Review, Spring 1965
First Major Study of Manager Performance
Michael Jensen, 1965;
First studies of mutual funds (Jensen) and of institutional plans
(A.G. Becker Corp.) indicate active managers underperform indexes.A.G. Becker Corporation, 1968 Becker Corp. gives rise to consulting industry with creation of "Green Book" performance tables comparing results to benchmarks. |
1960 |
Single-Factor Asset Pricing Risk/Return Model
William Sharpe
Capital Asset Pricing Model:Nobel Prize in Economics, 1990 Theoretical model defines risk as volatility relative to market. A stock's cost of capital (the investor's expected return) is proportional to the stock's risk relative to the entire stock universe. Theoretical model for evaluating the risk and expected return of securities and portfolios.
Efficient Markets Hypothesis
Eugene F. Fama,
Extensive research on stock price patterns.University of Chicago Develops Efficient Markets Hypothesis, which asserts that prices reflect values and information accurately and quickly. It is difficult if not impossible to capture returns in excess of market returns without taking greater than market levels of risk. Investors cannot identify superior stocks using fundamental information or price patterns. |
The Birth of Index Funds
John McQuown,
Banks develop the first passive S&P 500 Index funds. Years later,
Sinquefield co-chairs Dimensional, and McQuown sits on its Board.Wells Fargo Bank, 1971; Rex Sinquefield, American National Bank, 1973
A Major Plan First Commits to Indexing
New York Telephone Company invests $40 million in an S&P 500 Index fund.
The first major plan to index.Helps launch the era of indexed investing. "Fund spokesmen are quick to point out you can't buy the market averages. It's time the public could." Burton G. Malkiel, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, 1973 ed.
Term Structure Models
Oldrich Vasicek,
Lays the academic groundwork for bond pricing and yield curve models.Wells Fargo Bank
Asset Returns and Inflation
Eugene Fama,
Study the inflation hedging properties of different assets and
finds short-term government fixed income to be an effective inflation
hedge.University of Chicago; William Schwert, University of Rochester |
1970 |
Options Pricing Model
Fischer Black,
The development of the Options Pricing Model allows new ways to segment, quantify, and manage risk.University of Chicago; Myron Scholes University of Chicago; Robert Merton Harvard University; Nobel Prize in Economics, 1997 The model spurs the development of a market for alternative investments.
Market Efficiency, Interest Rates, and Inflation
Eugene Fama,
Extends empirical tests to fixed income markets and finds evidence of market efficiency.University of Chicago Finds that nominal interest rates incorporate information on future inflation expectations and that greater inflation uncertainty is positively related to risk premia. Examines the relationship between real interest rates and inflation and shows they are negatively correlated.
Database of Securities Prices since 1926
Roger Ibbotson and Rex Sinquefield,
An extensive returns database for multiple asset classes is first
developed and will become one of the most widely used investment
databases.Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation The first extensive, empirical basis for making asset allocation decisions changes the way investors build portfolios. |
The Size Effect
Rolf Banz,
Analyzed NYSE stocks, 1926-1975.University of Chicago Finds that, in the long term, small companies have higher expected returns than large companies and behave differently. Dimensional Fund Advisors is founded in 1981 and launches the US Micro Cap Portfolio.
Interest Rates and Inflation
Eugene Fama,
Show that real interest rates are negatively correlated with inflation.University of Chicago; Michael Gibbons, Stanford University "Inflation, Real Returns and Capital Investment," Journal of Monetary Economics (9) 297-323.
Variable Maturity Strategy Implemented
Dimensional Fund Advisors
With no prediction of interest rates, Eugene Fama develops a
method of shifting maturities that identifies optimal positions on the
fixed income yield curve.One-Year Fixed Income Strategy
International Size Effect
Dimensional Fund Advisors
Dimensional Investing vs. Indexing:International Small Cap Strategies With no index, Dimensional creates international small cap strategies modeled after the US research. Dimensional's live returns become the index used in Ibbotson Associates' database. Dimensional investing is based on a rational return source, and does not slavishly follow indexes or investing conventions. |
1980 |
Interest Rate Parity
Eugene Fama,
A forward rate is shown to be the sum of a risk premium and
expected future spot rate. Most of the variation in forward rates is due
to variations in premiums.University of Chicago; John Bilson, University of Chicago; Richard Meese, University of California at Berkeley; Kenneth Rogoff, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Empirical evidence reveals the failure of uncovered interest rate parity, which means that forward rates do not predict short-term currency movements.
Information in the Term Structure
Eugene Fama,
Finds that risk premiums are an important factor when evaluating forward interest rates.University of Chicago Finds that forward rates implied by the treasury yield curve provide information on the term structure of expected returns.
Business Cycle Patterns in Stock and Bond Returns
Eugene Fama and
Offer evidence that the expected excess returns on stocks and
bonds are typically higher than normal during recessions and lower than
normal at business peaks.Kenneth French, University of Chicago |
Nobel Prize Recognizes Modern Finance
Economists who shaped the way we invest are recognized, emphasizing
the role of science in finance.William Sharpe for the Capital Asset Pricing Model. Harry Markowitz for portfolio theory. Merton Miller for work on the effect of firms' capital structure and dividend policy on their prices.
Bond Mutual Fund Performance
Christopher Blake,
Conduct what's believed to be the
first comprehensive study of bond mutual fund returns. They conclude
that, on average, bond funds underperform relevant indexes after
expenses. They also find no evidence of predictability using past
performance to predict future performance.Fordham University; Edwin Elton, New York University; Martin Gruber, New York University
Tax Management
Dimensional tax-managed strategies implemented which seek to
maximize after-tax returns by offsetting gains and minimizing dividends.Based on Fama/French research and Dimensional's "portfolio decision system" trading technology. |
1990 |
Multifactor Asset Pricing Model and Value Effect
Eugene Fama and
Improve on the single-factor asset pricing model (CAPM).Kenneth French, University of Chicago Identify market, size, and "value" factors in returns. Develop the three-factor asset pricing model, an invaluable asset allocation and portfolio analysis tool. Establish term and default factors for fixed income returns. Dimensional introduces value strategies based on the research. Lends to similar findings internationally.
Inflation-Protected Bonds
The Treasury conducts the first auction of Treasury
Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), thus allowing US investors to
invest for long periods with minimal default risk and inflation risk. |
Improved Bond Market Transparency
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) introduces
Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE), which requires the
reporting of US corporate bond trades. This data allows researchers to
study trading costs and inequality in the US corporate bond market. |
2000 |
Applied Core Equity
Dimensional portfolio construction methodology weights securities
by size and value characteristics instead of market capitalization.Total market strategies launched which seek to provide efficient, diversified exposure to the sources of higher expected returns while limiting turnover and transaction costs. Core equity portfolios move beyond traditional, component-based asset allocation via vast diversification and cost-efficient market coverage. |
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