发信人: wawa123 (wawa123), 信区: Working
标 题: Re: pip期间可不可以辞职呢?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 30 22:44:52 2014, 美东)
nothing is that simple. :-)
the bigger the company is, the more things they consider.
They dont care about money but potential I took my chance and got
what I want (unexpected).
in your case, it depends. u know ur company better than anyone here.
so when they put u on pip,it means they want to get rid of u safely and
they want ot push u out and u resign is best for them.
if u insist until the last day, they will let u go (layoff) anyway because
they have already made the decision. but they might give u sth for zipping
your mouth or not. U have to take your risk (fire).
nowaday, fire is rare for Chinese employee. no company wants to puch u to
the corner.
dont worry that too much. the worst case is even if u got fire, it would not
be a big deal, right?
again, it was horrible to stay until the last day. u should be xperiencing
it now.
just my 2 cents.
【 在 lovebach (夜色凉如水) 的大作中提到: 】
: 当初你也是在pip里吗?
: 最后怎么拿到的package,说说看。
: 我觉得他们明明可以清清爽爽地让你走人,干吗还非要非周章多给你钱呢?
标 题: Re: pip期间可不可以辞职呢?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 30 22:44:52 2014, 美东)
nothing is that simple. :-)
the bigger the company is, the more things they consider.
They dont care about money but potential I took my chance and got
what I want (unexpected).
in your case, it depends. u know ur company better than anyone here.
so when they put u on pip,it means they want to get rid of u safely and
they want ot push u out and u resign is best for them.
if u insist until the last day, they will let u go (layoff) anyway because
they have already made the decision. but they might give u sth for zipping
your mouth or not. U have to take your risk (fire).
nowaday, fire is rare for Chinese employee. no company wants to puch u to
the corner.
dont worry that too much. the worst case is even if u got fire, it would not
be a big deal, right?
again, it was horrible to stay until the last day. u should be xperiencing
it now.
just my 2 cents.
【 在 lovebach (夜色凉如水) 的大作中提到: 】
: 当初你也是在pip里吗?
: 最后怎么拿到的package,说说看。
: 我觉得他们明明可以清清爽爽地让你走人,干吗还非要非周章多给你钱呢?
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