发信人: syuan (头), 信区: Working
标 题: Re: 好奇如果被要求签PIP该怎么应对
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 16 11:08:24 2013, 美东)
“Refusing to sign a PIP can be interpreted as insubordination or a
voluntary quit. It is a better approach to sign under protest, adding a line
that contains some version of these thoughts: a) I disagree with the
content, b) I protest the PIP, c) my signature indicates only that I have
received this document, not that I agree with it, and d) I intend to prepare
a formal response.”
【 在 waterlily515 (彤儿) 的大作中提到: 】
: 以前同部门有一位同事,60岁左右,为人很好,像个阿姨一样。后来和她那组新来的小
: 老板有些冲突,小老板处处咄咄逼人,这阿姨不像她们组其它小朋友那么唯命是从(平
: 均年龄不到30吧),结果就是怎么做都不对。她身体渐渐不好,有过几次病休,回来不
: 久就被PIP了。她老实巴交的签了。90天后被fire了。
: 她后来有找过很多律师,觉得是age discrimination,律师都告诉她,签了PIP后被
: fire就没有case了。我觉得那阿姨特别可怜,本来过几年就退休了。
: 所以我觉得,如果你觉得不公平,最好现在说,以后你说任何话,都不见得会有人听了
: . 老板让你上PIP的唯一目的就是minimize future liability,要是就是为了你进步,
: 私下指导,weekly one-on-one, 总是可以的。
: 如果你觉得你有case,不如乘早negotiate a package, because after the PIP, no
: ...................
标 题: Re: 好奇如果被要求签PIP该怎么应对
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 16 11:08:24 2013, 美东)
“Refusing to sign a PIP can be interpreted as insubordination or a
voluntary quit. It is a better approach to sign under protest, adding a line
that contains some version of these thoughts: a) I disagree with the
content, b) I protest the PIP, c) my signature indicates only that I have
received this document, not that I agree with it, and d) I intend to prepare
a formal response.”
【 在 waterlily515 (彤儿) 的大作中提到: 】
: 以前同部门有一位同事,60岁左右,为人很好,像个阿姨一样。后来和她那组新来的小
: 老板有些冲突,小老板处处咄咄逼人,这阿姨不像她们组其它小朋友那么唯命是从(平
: 均年龄不到30吧),结果就是怎么做都不对。她身体渐渐不好,有过几次病休,回来不
: 久就被PIP了。她老实巴交的签了。90天后被fire了。
: 她后来有找过很多律师,觉得是age discrimination,律师都告诉她,签了PIP后被
: fire就没有case了。我觉得那阿姨特别可怜,本来过几年就退休了。
: 所以我觉得,如果你觉得不公平,最好现在说,以后你说任何话,都不见得会有人听了
: . 老板让你上PIP的唯一目的就是minimize future liability,要是就是为了你进步,
: 私下指导,weekly one-on-one, 总是可以的。
: 如果你觉得你有case,不如乘早negotiate a package, because after the PIP, no
: ...................
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