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2018年购物指南!Trader Joe's评选出最受欢迎的13种商品!

Trader Joe's编制了一份最受欢迎的商品名单,以庆祝其在商业上的第50年。Trader Joe's在全美范围内进行调查,将顾客和员工最喜欢的商品制作汇总成清单。如果你还在苦恼该买些什么,相信这13种商品绝对是你购物的首选!
Mandarin Orange Chicken: $4.99

Organic French Roast Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate: $9.99

Unexpected Cheddar: $3.99

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups: $4.29

5.roses: $5.99

6.Facial Cleansing Oil: $6.99

7.TJ's Highland Single Malt Scotch: $16.99

8.Cold Pressed Matcha Green Tea Lemonade: $3.99

9.Hold the Cone!: $2.99

10.Organic Sriracha & Roasted Garlic BBQ Sauce: $2.99

11.Organic Broccoli Slaw: $1.69

12.Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches: $4.49

13.Plumcots: $2.79


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