发信人: wltsn (waterfall), 信区: Investment
标 题: Re: 新人请教一个bond的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 27 16:02:31 2016, 美东)
If I were you, I'd stick to high yield saving/CD. The reasons are simple.
First of all, you don't know enough about this stuff, and now you're willing
to listen to a stranger for bond investment advice? Who's going to hold
your hands and tell you everything is going to be fine, when things are
actually not perfect? Secondly, in my opinion, it's not worth the risks. If
I want higher return, I'd go with stocks.
But then that's just me. You need this money in a couple of years. That
doesn't sound like you have a good risk tolerance anyway.
【 在 lemonoy (lemonoy) 的大作中提到: 】
: 多谢大神指教。确实ytw只有0.xx%,因为有call schedule,现在明白了。
: 想买bond的原因主要是因为cd的return太低,想买一些回报稍微高一些的fixed
: ,但是又希望风险能低一些。不知道大神有没有什么推荐?
标 题: Re: 新人请教一个bond的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 27 16:02:31 2016, 美东)
If I were you, I'd stick to high yield saving/CD. The reasons are simple.
First of all, you don't know enough about this stuff, and now you're willing
to listen to a stranger for bond investment advice? Who's going to hold
your hands and tell you everything is going to be fine, when things are
actually not perfect? Secondly, in my opinion, it's not worth the risks. If
I want higher return, I'd go with stocks.
But then that's just me. You need this money in a couple of years. That
doesn't sound like you have a good risk tolerance anyway.
【 在 lemonoy (lemonoy) 的大作中提到: 】
: 多谢大神指教。确实ytw只有0.xx%,因为有call schedule,现在明白了。
: 想买bond的原因主要是因为cd的return太低,想买一些回报稍微高一些的fixed
: ,但是又希望风险能低一些。不知道大神有没有什么推荐?
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