发信人: atiger (昼伏夜出的老虎), 信区: EB23
标 题: Re: PERM终于批了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 22 15:05:48 2018, 美东)
1. I would suggest to have your 1st 140 through Premium Process to lock your
PD as early as possible. The premium processing should not impact the
approval rate. If someone said his case got RFE through PP, I bet his case
would get RFE without PP as well.
2. After 140 is approved for 180 days, the 140 will not be impacted if the
employer requests a withdrawal of the 140. "内部跳槽" should not be limited
180 day rules unless the new job is significantly different from the job
description in your PERM and 140.
3. Possible
【 在 sunflower767 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 终于也算是有PD的人了,问几个接下来的问题,先谢谢大家
: 1. 140 如果公司可以走pp是不是就应该知己pp,因为律师说pp是为了那些H1B快max
: out的人的,如果我们这种h1b还有好久的pp可能会被查或者拒,是这样吗?
: 2. regular 140就得等好久,然后得批下来180天才能跳槽包括内部跳槽,是吗?
: 3. 我这今年的PD 是不是得等到2025年能绿?
: 谢谢!
标 题: Re: PERM终于批了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 22 15:05:48 2018, 美东)
1. I would suggest to have your 1st 140 through Premium Process to lock your
PD as early as possible. The premium processing should not impact the
approval rate. If someone said his case got RFE through PP, I bet his case
would get RFE without PP as well.
2. After 140 is approved for 180 days, the 140 will not be impacted if the
employer requests a withdrawal of the 140. "内部跳槽" should not be limited
180 day rules unless the new job is significantly different from the job
description in your PERM and 140.
3. Possible
【 在 sunflower767 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 终于也算是有PD的人了,问几个接下来的问题,先谢谢大家
: 1. 140 如果公司可以走pp是不是就应该知己pp,因为律师说pp是为了那些H1B快max
: out的人的,如果我们这种h1b还有好久的pp可能会被查或者拒,是这样吗?
: 2. regular 140就得等好久,然后得批下来180天才能跳槽包括内部跳槽,是吗?
: 3. 我这今年的PD 是不是得等到2025年能绿?
: 谢谢!
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