Lists of DZero candidate looking for postdoc and tenure track jobs Date: 30-SEP-2012 11:32 Expires: 15-OCT-2012 11:32
Dear DZero postdocs and students, with new season of hirings for tenure track and postdoc positions starting the experiment spokes are often asked for a list of candidates from DZero. We keep such list and update it periodically. If you are looking or planning to look for tenure track (both Labs and Universities) or postdoctoral position in the next 12 months, please, send us a brief E-mail with summary of your interests. Please, remember about orientation lectures this Wednesday, October 3 at noon for tenure track candidates and next Wedensday, October 10 at noon for postdoctoral candidates. Both lectures are in the Hurricane deck and will be available on video. Thank you, Gregorio and Dmitri.
Last updated 4 Aug 11 Course Title: OWASP Top 10 Threats and Mitigation Exam Questions - Single Select 1) Which of the following consequences is most likely to occur due to an injection attack? Spoofing Cross-site request forgery Denial of service Correct Insecure direct object references 2) Your application is created using a language that does not support a clear distinction between code and data. Which vulnerability is most likely to occur in your application? Injection Correct Insecure direct object references Failure to restrict URL access Insufficient transport layer protection 3) Which of the following scenarios is most likely to cause an injection attack? Unvalidated input is embedded in an instruction stream. Correct Unvalidated input can be distinguished from valid instructions. A Web application does not validate a client’s access to a resource. A Web action performs an operation on behalf of the user without checkin...
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