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Sample Thank You Letter After Interview

First, let’s talk about what not to do. If you got a letter like this would
you run out and hire this person?

Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs.,

Thank you for talking to me about the job at XYZ Company.

I know I made a big impression on you and you are still overwhelmed that a
person of my caliber would even seek this position. I can tell this because
you have not yet called to make me a rock bottom offer that we will need to
negotiate up just to reach my level of desire.


Moss Stromboli
New Executive

I don’t think so. However the follow up letter after an interview can be
the nail that either cinches an offer or one that seals the coffin. The one
above would not seal any deal. So what should you put in a thank-you letter
after a job interview?

sample thank you letter after interviewFirst, send a real thank you letter.
Not an email. Thank you letters are generally more effective when sent in
the mail and are at the very least hand written. You can have the letter
partially written and the envelope ready even before the interview. If at
all possible hand write the letter. A letter that is printed out on your
computer is OK but does not convey the level of sincerity your want to

One of the goals of the letter is to acknowledge that the person giving the
interview took time out of their busy schedule to visit with you. Tell them
that. Thank them for their time. Let them know that you truly appreciate the
interview. Tell the interviewer something you learned about the company
during the interview that makes you excited to have the chance to work there.

Another goal is to restate some special job skill or benefit that you bring
to the position they are trying to fill. Tell them, again, how your skills
and experience can solve a problem they have. You need to listen closely
during the interview process to discern that one thing that you can provide
the most benefit if they hire you.

Let the interviewer know that you have researched the company and feel that
the company and you are a good fit. Ask for the job, again. Don’t be
pompous, just let them know that you are ready to make a contribution and
are ready to start to work. On their schedule, not yours.

To recap:

         Thank the interviewer for their time in a hand written interview
thank you letter.
        Let the interviewer know that you have researched the company and
find it to be a good fit for you and your goals.
        State how you are able to make an immediate contribution to the
company and how you can solve a problem they may have (note of caution here
– don’t attempt to solve any problem beyond the scope of the job you are
applying for).

And lastly ask for the job. Tell them how much you are looking forward to
becoming a part of the team at XYZ Company. If you have any time constraints
such as giving a two week notice at your old job, restate that point here
also. Other than that, let them know you are ready to start to work
yesterday. Mail the letter then same day as the interview if at all possible.

Thank you letter writing should be a natural part of the job search for you.
Job searching has many elements that all works together. Use interview
thank you letters to your advantage by implementing the tips above.


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