If you are unable to ping a remote machine, there are several possible causes:
- If you are trying to ping a host name, make sure the name you are pinging is fully qualified.
- If pinging the fully qualified host name does not work, try pinging the IP address of the destination machine. If ping fails when you try the name of the site, but works when you try the IP address, it's NOT a network problem, it's a problem with DNS.
- If you are trying to ping a site and both the name and the IP address fail, they may be administratively denied by an access control list. Cisco routers report !A when they are blocking ping with an access list. Try a traceroute instead, or if it is a website, try browsing it.
- If the traceroute you performed shows multiple hops between you and the destination, then try pinging each host in the path starting closest to you and working your way towards the destination until you find the host that fails to respond to ping. Use a traceroute (successfully) to get a list of the hosts between you and the destination for this purpose.
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