Folder: JOBS From: Subject: Postdoc position at Hawaii on Belle-II Date: 12-FEB-2012 20:48 Expires: 13-MAR-2012 21:48
Field of Interest: hep-ex Experiment: KEK-BF-BELLE-II Deadline: 2012-03-31 Region: North America Job description: The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellow in particle physics. The expected start of employment is April 2012, contingent on federal funding. The position is renewable annually for up to three years, depending on funding and satisfactory performance. Duties: The successful candidate will participate in the construction of iTOP particle identification detector for the Belle-II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric e+e- collider at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. The University of Hawaii has responsibilities for the readout of this detector using innovative "oscilloscope on a chip" fast waveform sampling ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) technology. Details of the waveform are recorded in order to isolate Cerenkov photons in pixelated micro-channel PMTs (photomultipliers). The large data flow is reduced to manageable levels with the use of DSPs (Digital Signal Processors). Timing at or below the 100 picosecond level is also required. Some travel to Japan will be required for commissioning, integrating and debugging the detector. The primary goals of the Belle II experiment are to investigate CP violation in the decays of B mesons and search for physics beyond the Standard Model in B, D, and tau decays. KEKB is the world highest luminosity collider, and Belle, the preceding experiment, has already accumulated an unprecedented dataset of 1000 fb^-1 (or 1 ab^-1). The Belle-II experiment at SuperKEKB will explore new physics in the flavor sector with a luminosity about 40 times greater than in Belle. This international project, which is an upgrade of KEKB and Belle, is approved and has been funded by the Japanese government. SuperKEKB starts in late 2014 with Belle II roll-in in late 2015. We expect the successful candidate to play a strong role in the development and construction of the iTOP particle identification detector for Belle-II, which is a critical component of the new detector and is used to separate pions and kaons. Qualification: We seek an outstanding, highly motivated candidate who is strong in hardware and electronics and who enjoys working as part of a larger team. A PhD in experimental high energy physics or astro-particle physics is required to begin employment; experience with modern particle detectors and data analysis techniques is also required. Previous experience with FPGA's (field programmable gate arrays) and ASICs is desirable. Compensation: We offer a competitive stipend, commensurate with experience and qualifications. For more information, please contact: Prof. Gary Varner ( To apply: Please submit a curriculum vitae, list of references, description of past research, and a list of publications, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Prof. Gary Varner c/o Ms. Janet Bruce, HEP Postdoctoral Search Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2505 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822. Electronic submission of both application material and letters is strongly encouraged. All material should be sent to, cc Please combine all your application material into a single pdf file, and use the subject your application material into a single pdf file, and use the subject line "Belle II iTOP Postdoctoral Search" Recruitment will remain open until position is filled; however, applications received after March 31, 2012 may not receive full consideration. Email for Reference Letters: Contact: Gary Varner Email: More Information: Letters of Reference should be sent to:
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