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Field of Interest: hep-ex
Experiment: FNAL-E-0973, PSI-R-99-05
Deadline: 2012-04-30
Region: North America

Job description:
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR POSITIONS EXPERIMENTAL PARTICLE PHYSICS One or more postdoctoral research positions are available at the University of California, Irvine, in the experimental particle physics group of William Molzon. The group is doing two experi-ments to search for muon and electron number violation in processes involving muons (CLFV). One is MEG, a search for the decay μ+→e+γ at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. We ex-pect to reach a branching fraction sensitivity approaching 10-13. We have reported a new upper limit of 2.4x10-12 and continue to collect additional data. The second is mu2e, a search for the process μ-N→e-N at Fermilab. We expect to reach sensitivity below 10-16. The position represent a unique opportunity for a young physicist both to get physics results from the most sensitive running search for CLFV and to help develop the most sensitive planned future CLFV experi-ment.
Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in experimental particle physics or a related field.
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and application letter and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: W. Molzon, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-4575 or, preferably, by email to
Applications received by April 30, 2012 will receive full consideration, and the positions will remain open until filled.
UCI is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity.

Email for Reference Letters:

Contact: William Molzon
More Information:;
Letters of Reference should be sent to:


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