Folder: JOBS From: Subject: UTA post-doc position on ATLAS Date: 29-FEB-2012 17:11 Expires: 30-MAR-2012 18:11
Position at the University of Texas at Arlington The High Energy Physics group at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) invites outstanding candidates to apply for a post-doctoral associate position on the ATLAS Experiment. The UTA HEP group has five experimental faculty and one phenomenology faculty, and has made significant contributions to Dzero, A ATLAS, and the International Linear Collider. The primary focus of the group is currently the ATLAS experiment, and we are participating in Higgs searches, SUSY particle searches, and QCD measurements. UTA�s ATLAS contributions include detector and trigger commissioning, construction and calibration of the hadronic Tile Calorimeter, development and operation of the U.S. ATLAS Grid production and distributed analysis systems, and development of physics analysis tools software. In addition, UTA hosts the Southwest Tier 2 GRID computing center, which has been one of the most productive of the ATLAS Tier 2 centers, and has a Tier 3 for local analysis. Finally, we are also involved in ATLAS upgrades, including the new forward proton detector. We are seeking a highly motivated, outstanding PhD physicist to be based primarily at UTA with a possibility of partial CERN residency. We expect the selected candidate to play a leading role in the physics analysis efforts of the large ATLAS group at UTA. In particular, the successful candidate is expected to make major contributions to the search for the Higgs, and measurement of its properties. The new post-doc will also have an opportunity to contribute to the Development of the ATLAS Forward Proton detector (AFP), a Phase I upgrade that includes development of a precision time-of-flight detector with unprecedented 10 ps timing resolution. In addition he/she is expected to spend a fraction of their time working with graduate and undergraduate students on ATLAS in these areas. Applications should include curriculum vitae, publication list, and a statement of research interests. Candidates should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to Professors Jae Yu ( and Andrew Brandt ( to ensure that their application receives appropriate consideration. Review of the applications will commence immediately, and continue until the position is filled. UTA is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
Last updated 4 Aug 11 Course Title: OWASP Top 10 Threats and Mitigation Exam Questions - Single Select 1) Which of the following consequences is most likely to occur due to an injection attack? Spoofing Cross-site request forgery Denial of service Correct Insecure direct object references 2) Your application is created using a language that does not support a clear distinction between code and data. Which vulnerability is most likely to occur in your application? Injection Correct Insecure direct object references Failure to restrict URL access Insufficient transport layer protection 3) Which of the following scenarios is most likely to cause an injection attack? Unvalidated input is embedded in an instruction stream. Correct Unvalidated input can be distinguished from valid instructions. A Web application does not validate a client’s access to a resource. A Web action performs an operation on behalf of the user without checkin...
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