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标  题: Re: 急问:换工作保险的gap发信人: majorxu (omaha), 信区: Working
标  题: Re: 急问:换工作保险的gap
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul  1 22:22:28 2013, 美东)

The problem with Cobra is two fold
1) It's a bit expensive;
2) It takes time to process.

Two HR people told me a tip about this, basically one can wait for 45 days
before enrolling COBRA. Theoretically one can visit doctors and use medical
and buy the COBRA later to cover it. There might be some technical issues
there, e.g.,
maybe one need to pay some fees up front, and file insurance claim later for
But the gist is COBRA can not deny a former employee.

In your case, since you only have one month gap, I
think new insurance should be good. Actually this is how I did recently.
Obviously everybody has own situation and different tolerance of risk, I can
understand your desire to have insurance all the time. I was thinking that
way until very recently.

【 在 Gooddream98 (gooddream) 的大作中提到: 】
: 换了工作后,以为新工作的地方当天就能把保险生效,结果HR工作效率很低,说只能
: 个月后生效了,感觉一个月的gap还是有点长,所以马上想联系COBRA,但似乎COBRA要
: 三周后才寄个啥表格过来,估计这一个月的GAP还是避免不了。大家有什么建议吗?有
: 什么可以立刻买立刻生效的保险?贵点或者cover不是很好都不要紧,关键得有一个,
: 以防万一,毕竟有个家,不是一个人了。
: 非常谢谢各位!


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