If you are currently wearing a night guard for bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, it is important that you take care of it correctly. Most people who use mouth guards don’t take the time to clean them correctly and this is imperative. Not caring for, and not cleaning your mouth guard is certainly not recommended, and could actually lead to significant health problems. On top of this, your mouth guard will likely begin to take on a foul odor and even start to grow mold. This is certainly not something that you will want to put into your mouth. Fortunately, there are things you can do in order to ensure that you are keeping your mouth guard clean, as well as helping it to last as long as possible.
Cleaning your mouth guard with a toothbrush and toothpaste is a common, and highly recommended way for you to get the cleanliness you need, quickly. You can use a toothbrush and toothpaste just as you would when brushing your own teeth. Though this is certainly an effective method for keeping your mouth guard sanitary, it is still recommended that you use other methods in addition to this one. Keep in mind, when using a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your mouth guard, that you want to be a bit cautious as some toothpastes and toothbrushes could scratch the plastic that the mouth guard is made of.
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Using a mouth rinse or mouth wash to clean a mouth guard is another method that people use. This is popular thanks to many dentists recommending it due to the fact that mouth rinse is good at killing germs in the mouth. Most people will soak their mouth guard in mouth wash from around 10 minutes, all the way up to overnight. You will notice that this soaking will give your mouth guard a great taste and kill germs, but it can also stain the mouth guard, so keep that in mind when choosing the rinse you will use. Dentists recommend that you use this method in conjunction with other cleaning methods, as well.
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People who have mouth guards will also use soap and water, especially when they first take the mouth guard out. You probably know that you should rinse the guard with warm water when you remove it from your mouth, but you might not use soap. The added addition of soap can help to kill germs and will keep your mouth guard sanitary. Like with other methods, this should be done on a day to day basis and should be used in conjunction with other methods for best results.
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One of the most popular methods for cleaning mouth guards is to use cleaning tablets and powders. You will probably recognize these tablets if you have ever browsed through a drug store. Denture cleaning tablets and powders are examples of this method and are extremely effective for cleaning mouth guards. They help to sanitize, as well as remove stains that can often develop. You will also find that there are tablets and powders made specifically for mouth guards.
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Dental sanitizing devices are also on the market and a great choice if you are looking for something that will clean and sanitize your mouth guard. They are relatively affordable and you will get a great result if your goal is to have a thoroughly clean mouth guard. Depending on the model, the dental sanitizing device will use sonic or ultraviolet light to effectively clean your mouth guard. These are a bit more expensive than other methods, but it can be a good investment if you will wear a mouth guard for an extended period of time.
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There are a number of natural cleaning methods that can also be used to clean your mouth guards. From vinegar and lemon soaking to using hydrogen peroxide, or even bleach, there are a number of cleaning methods that you can use that are more natural. You should make sure to talk to your dentist before using any of these methods, however, as they might not give you the type of clean you are looking for. Some of these natural methods will be better than others, but they all have their pros and cons.
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Your dentist will also have the tools needed to offer a professional clean when it comes to your mouth guard.When you go in for your next cleaning appointment, you can often ask for this professional clean. Most of the time, they will use the same cleaning methods they use when cleaning their dental tools, so you can be sure that this is effective. Your dentist will know which type of professional cleaning is best based on the material your guard is made of. It is also quite fast, so you can expect to get your mouth guard back by time your cleaning is over.
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Proper maintenance of your mouth guard is imperative, especially when it comes to preventing infections in your mouth, as well as contamination, odor and discoloration. Dental professionals recommend that individuals who use mouth guards, especially at night, clean them on a daily basis. It is recommended that you both brush and floss after taking the mouth guard out and that you at least wash your mouth guard in soap and water at a minimum, even when in a hurry. Additionally, you should never share a mouth guard with someone else, and you should be sure that after cleaning, you are storing it properly, in a well ventilated case.
You might be wondering what happens if you don’t clean your mouth guard correctly? Many studies have been done on this and the results can be quite alarming. First of all, a dental mouth guard is a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, fungus, and more. Because of this, if you do not properly clean your mouth guard, by using one of, or a combination of methods above, you can put yourself at risk for things like gum recession, tooth decay, lesions in the mouth, gingivitis, bacterial infection, and staph infections. If these bacterial infections grow, they can affect the heart, and lungs, and can be quite serious very quickly. You will certainly not want to get into any of these situations, especially because all of the above are preventable.
If you have a mouth guard, make sure that you are taking the proper steps to keep it looking and feeling like new. With so many different methods of cleaning available, from cleaning tablets to ultraviolet cleaning chambers, you will easily be able to find the right method to meet your needs, as well as your budget. Talk to your dentist to learn more about which method might be right for you.
How to Clean Your Mouth Guard Effectively
The recommended methods for cleaning your mouth guard include:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Mouth Rinse
- Soap and Water
- Mouth guard cleaning tablets
- Dental sanitizing devices
- Natural cleaning methods
- Professional dental cleaning.
For each of the methods mentioned above, remember not to store your night guard until it is completely dry!
For each of the methods mentioned above, remember not to store your night guard until it is completely dry!
Method #1 – Toothbrush and Toothpaste
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Method #2 – Mouth Rinse
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Method #3 – Soap and Water
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Method #4 – Mouth Guard Cleaning Tablets and Powders
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Method #5 – Dental Sanitizing Devices
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Method #6 – Natural Cleaning Methods
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Method #7 – Professional Dental Cleaning
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Final Word on Mouth Guard Cleaning
You might be wondering what happens if you don’t clean your mouth guard correctly? Many studies have been done on this and the results can be quite alarming. First of all, a dental mouth guard is a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, fungus, and more. Because of this, if you do not properly clean your mouth guard, by using one of, or a combination of methods above, you can put yourself at risk for things like gum recession, tooth decay, lesions in the mouth, gingivitis, bacterial infection, and staph infections. If these bacterial infections grow, they can affect the heart, and lungs, and can be quite serious very quickly. You will certainly not want to get into any of these situations, especially because all of the above are preventable.
If you have a mouth guard, make sure that you are taking the proper steps to keep it looking and feeling like new. With so many different methods of cleaning available, from cleaning tablets to ultraviolet cleaning chambers, you will easily be able to find the right method to meet your needs, as well as your budget. Talk to your dentist to learn more about which method might be right for you.
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