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As I shared back in November, as part of our annual planning process for 2023, leaders across the company have been working with their teams and looking at their workforce levels, investments they want to make in the future, and prioritizing what matters most to customers and the long-term health of our businesses. This year’s review has been more difficult given the uncertain economy and that we’ve hired rapidly over the last several years. In November, we communicated the hard decision to eliminate a number of positions across our Devices and Books businesses, and also announced a voluntary reduction offer for some employees in our People, Experience, and Technology (PXT) organization. I also shared that we weren’t done with our annual planning process and that I expected there would be more role reductions in early 2023.
Today, I wanted to share the outcome of these further reviews, which is the difficult decision to eliminate additional roles. Between the reductions we made in November and the ones we’re sharing today, we plan to eliminate just over 18,000 roles. Several teams are impacted; however, the majority of role eliminations are in our Amazon Stores and PXT organizations..1point3acres

S-team and I are deeply aware that these role eliminations are difficult for people, and we don’t take these decisions lightly or underestimate how much they might affect the lives of those who are impacted. We are working to support those who are affected and are providing packages that include a separation payment, transitional health insurance benefits, and external job placement support.. .и

We typically wait to communicate about these outcomes until we can speak with the people who are directly impacted. However, because one of our teammates leaked this information externally, we decided it was better to share this news earlier so you can hear the details directly from me. We intend on communicating with impacted employees (or where applicable in Europe, with employee representative bodies) starting on January 18.

Amazon has weathered uncertain and difficult economies in the past, and we will continue to do so. These changes will help us pursue our long-term opportunities with a stronger cost structure; however, I’m also optimistic that we’ll be inventive, resourceful, and scrappy in this time when we’re not hiring expansively and eliminating some roles. Companies that last a long time go through different phases. They’re not in heavy people expansion mode every year. We often talk about our leadership principle Invent and Simplify in the context of creating new products and features. There will continue to be plenty of this across all of the businesses we’re pursuing. But, we sometimes overlook the importance of the critical invention, problem-solving, and simplification that go into figuring out what matters most to customers (and the business), adjusting where we spend our resources and time, and finding a way to do more for customers at a lower cost (passing on savings to customers in the process). Both of these types of Invent and Simplify really matter.

To those impacted by these reductions, I want you to know how grateful I am for your contributions to Amazon, and the work you have done on behalf of customers. You have made a meaningful difference in a lot of customers’ lives. To those who will continue on the journey with us, I look forward to partnering with you to keep making life better and easier for customers every day and relentlessly inventing to do so.



  1. 上市公司一般会衡量每个员工的产值,你就照着疫情前每个员工产生多少钱,现在一样的话需要多少人。

    meta总员工从44k涨到了85k,又裁了11k,现在是74k, revenue 从$70B涨到了$118B,觉得meta裁的差不多了,除非明年revenue大跌



  2. meta肯定吧,不过不是裁员,是psc, 记得meta一般三月初会有psc结果。目测两月财报不好,psc要走不少。而且psc主要是sde, ds这类。 要是来个6-10%,就是1000 - 2000多码农了。

    亚麻明年tech role照着1-2万裁. 人口基数比meta大太多了。 感觉你是亚麻的。没事亚麻裁了,随便跳gf, hedge fund。 亚马逊sde2去谷歌,根据现在的行情,最少l6。

  3. 未来整个IT行业 相当幅度的降薪+ 更大比例的合同制 + 更大比例外包给其他国家 是大趋势,这个都看不出来哥只能祝他们好运了。


  4. 和meta类似啊,裁最近入职的,最近入职+包很大的更是重中之重。. Χ


  5. meta有什么?凭什么PE和别人一样?ads被蚕食,Fb(不是指instagram, Whatsapp)还有几个人用?privacy折腾那么多年,Libra、微信支付这些应该搞的搞不起来?我知道还有workspace,room那些project啦,meta投那么多metaverse到底在干嘛
    AMZN有AWS,有Ads,物流,有prime video,仓储warehouse,Amazon robotics,还投资电动车啥;偶尔确实做些不现实的Air prime。 Alexa啥再差至少情怀和志向都比metaverse强。
    Google有Google map, pixel, Gsuite,Gmail let alone youtube, Google search。无人车再不盈利至少情怀和志向都比metaverse强。

  6. 我其实觉得metaverse概念挺好的。当然太先锋+硬件软件不到位+经济环境不行导致这事可能成不了。

  7. 不管什么职业  脱去职业的外衣  我们彼此都是人  我们一生可以换不同的职业 但是做人是一辈子的作业


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