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价值投资入门书籍介绍 2007-05-25 12:05:49
1. The Intelligent Investor 
(by Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig) ( (ISBN: 0060555661)
    这本书是价值投资的开山祖师Benjamin Graham写给广大群众看的,书比较经典,但比较晦涩难读,Jason Zweig加了点与时俱进的注释。这书引入两个后来被反复引用的概念:Mr. Market和Margin of Safety. 用Buffett的话来说,Graham的投资方法是捡别人吸剩的烟头。 Benjamin Graham还写过另一本更经典的书Security Analysis(前四版最经典),那是写给那些professional investors读的,那本书是价值投资的Bible,可惜太厚,很难读(有言在先啊)。

2. Warren Buffett's letters to Berkshire's shareholders (
    Warren Buffett是Benjamin Graham最出色的弟子,可惜从来没写过书介绍他自己的价值投资体会。但他零零碎碎在他的letters透露些自己的体会。这些信写得很好,比较简洁易 懂,充满了智慧,我推荐各位读一读。但这些信件毕竟比较零碎,要想系统地学习他的方法,你得读下面的书籍。Buffett早期是用Graham的投资方 法,现在的方法不一样,有人形容是"用丰田车的价钱,买辆奔驰车".

3. Buffettology: The Previously Unexplained Techniques That Have Made Warren Buffett The Worlds (by Mary Buffett, David Clark) ( (ISBN: 068484821X)
    Mary Buffett曾经是Warren Buffett的儿媳妇,书写得通俗易懂,我很喜欢。她还写过New Bufettology,我倒觉得这旧版的更好些。从该书来看,Warren Buffett特别喜欢那些return on equity很高的公司(奔驰车啊).

4.The Midas Touch (by John Train) ( (ISBN: 1897597290)

5.The Warren Buffett Way (by Robert G. Hagstrom, Bill Miller, Kenneth L. Fisher) (ISBN: 0471743674)

6. The Little Book That Beats the Market (By Joel Greenblatt, Andrew Tobias) (ISBN: 0471733067)

7.Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond (by Bruce C. N. Greenwald, Judd Kahn, Paul D. Sonkin, and Michael van Biema) ( (ISBN: 0471463396)


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