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layoffs this week

 To anyone at Meta or elsewhere who is staring down layoffs this week, here’s what to likely expect:

🗓 A random meeting will be added to your calendar with no description. You may notice your credentials are no longer working for critical company systems.
🧐 HR (and likely your manager) will explain the terms of your termination and give you some documents.
✍️ They might urge you to agree to the conditions and sign their paperwork.
🐻 If you live in California, you will be provided with your final paycheck.

Now, I am not your manager nor your lawyer, but remember you don’t have to sign anything during the meeting. If they say “you can’t leave without signing” this is not true. If you’re under 40, overnight consideration is reasonable. If you’re over 40, you have at least 21 days to consider and 7 days to revoke agreement to the settlement offer even after signing.

If you don’t have pre-negotiated severance in your contract, now is the time to put on your negotiation hat and ask for (more) money. You can also negotiate continuation of your healthcare coverage or for the company to buy back your shares for a good rate.

Once you feel comfortable with the terms, you will likely be asked to sign an NDA and waive your right to sue. Again, don’t feel rushed to sign anything without considering the entire package.

Then go home (or stand up from your desk) and do nothing. Take care of yourself. You’ll have a busy week ahead, between applying for unemployment (if eligible) and dealing with benefits like health and life insurance. It’s okay to be sad, but don’t let it eat you up.

You will get through this and be okay.


  1. - 15% total
    - 5% of eng
    - 50% of recruiting
    - Major FBapp reorg
    - Directors find out today (Tues) who will be impacted on their team .1point3acres
    - Impacted individuals will find out on Wed morning
    - Offices closed on Wednesday
    . check 1point3acres for more.
    - AFAIK there has been no office closure communicated, many still waiting to hear on that (if it happens)
    - People will be notified at 6am EST tomorrow morning
    - Many directors and managers are still in the dark outside of knowing that layoffs are coming. Those who know don’t appear to be saying much.
    - 4+ months severance for those impacted
    - Some are saying this is a large first wave, and that more will follow in the coming months.

  2. 中期选举主要是选众议院的所有议员+参议院的三分之一的议员+州政府的领导层级。现在参众两院民主党都是多数党,总统也是多数党,这样会导致民主党推崇的政策可以顺利通过两院投票正式实施。如果中期选举后共和党成为多数党,那民主党推崇的政策就很难通过两院投票了。
    以及现在科技公司裁员完全是因为加息,加息由FED控制,不由两院控制。但是corporate tax rate是可以由两院控制的,在recession的时候支持降低税率的党派能否成为多数党也会直接影响裁员数量。. 1point 3 acres

  3. 有个朋友年初snap被裁进了推特,刚进em就宣布要收购,然后又被裁了,,,,还认识一个几个月前从推跑的,进meta的今天也被lay了,new hire其实是比较voluneralbe的一批。所以这种事还是别太纠结了,都是命

  4. 说白了,整个花街的定价假设是有问题的:没有公司可以永远保持远超过经济增长水平的增长速度。fb过去这些年令人夸张的增长速度导致花街对他们的预期太过离谱,文章里提meta居然YoY只增长了20%,看着很让人觉得好笑:20亿日活的公司咋一年给你增长50%啊,奇迹之所以是奇迹就是因为不那么容易复制也不可持续。

    我并不怎么看好元宇宙,我也认为小扎的方向是有问题的,meta也在大环境的alpha下有自己额外的negative beta:all in 元宇宙不是个好主意。wsj文章提到的问题也都是问题。但我认为这些问题的impact究竟有多大,是否会让meta这个超级现金牛变成一个不值钱的公司,至少我个人不这么认为:这个公司的广告业务依旧在增长,tiktok的竞争强大,但并不代表其已经取代了meta的地位,即便meta丢掉部分市场,他依旧是一个非常不错的广告去处。metaverse确实花费巨大,但这有很大一部分也来自于公司过去多年的高增长导致其并不重视成本控制。但公司会回归理性,也有能力调整,华尔街也会回归理性。

  5. 这不分析的很有道理,很客观了,问题一是元宇宙投资者不看好(主要问题)二是控制成本.现在裁员只是解决了问题二,暂时平息了投资者。上市公司的很多钱就是华尔街各个投资者投的,你总不能拿别人的钱自己一条道路走到黑不听任何意见吧,除非像马老板直接下市自己想怎么搞就怎么搞

  6. 这种无用的同情心其实没多大用。资本家们绝对不会怜悯打工人(btw, 谁做资本家都这样,人性如此),当自己利益受影响的时候,裁员的大刀就会无情的切下,无论平常他们表现得多善解人意,多含情脉脉,多温柔体贴。作为打工人,一定要居安思危,未雨绸缪,时刻牢记一点:你到一个公司工作,不是为公司,不是为领导,不是为任何人,只是为你自己。千万不要觉得进了一个大厂就好比进了保险箱,从自己的工作中,每时每刻都要注意提高自身的软硬实力,学到真的核心知识和技能。任何公司都不会是万年青,裁员不可避免,也不可怕,就问问自己,假如现在被裁,能不能很快就找到下家。


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